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Ms. Debra Bloom <br /> March 3, 1 999 <br /> Page 3 <br /> We have also reviewed some of the concerns relative to Saturday operations. A Saturday in May <br /> will exceed our 450 daily trip number but will probably have consistent hourly volumes similar to <br /> the p .m <br /> . peak hour of our design day. Thus, the number of northbound left turns and eastbound left <br /> turns at the Snelling Avenue and Oakerest Avenue intersection would be approximately the same, <br /> but with a slightly reduced traffic volume on Snelling Avenue. <br /> We have limited information relative to the trip generation of the former HOM development. This <br /> was a rather unique operation and the existing similar land uses in the Institute of Transportation <br /> Engineers book and data which we have might not provide accurate information for a reasonable <br /> comparison. <br /> We hop e that this information is helpful in your deliberations. If you need additional information <br /> or have questions, please call us. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Glen van Wormer, P.E. <br /> Manager, Transportation Department <br /> sah <br /> c; Karl Keel, City of Roseville <br /> Parrs Mari, SEH <br /> F:1projerctslrslr cv19801\c\b loo m.mO3.wpd <br />