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specified in the detail of the Planned Unit Development agreement and refined prior to <br /> Council decisions on the concept. In addition,the issues relating to the grading,utilities and <br /> fire protection services can be resolved as Part of the PUD Agreement and Development Plan <br /> review. An additional neighborhood meeting may be of assistance. If the Commission <br /> accepts this recommendation, a project review time extension will be necessary. <br /> 6.0 Planning Commission Recommendation <br /> On January 13, 1 999,the Planning Conunission held a discussion of the issues (see attached <br /> excerpt from the draft minutes). The Planning Commission them recommended approval of <br /> the proposal (4-2), citing the comments and findings in Section 3 and the recommendation <br /> in Section 4 of this report. <br /> 5.1 The Commission reconunended(4-2)approval of the request for an amendment to the City's <br /> Comprehensive Plan to change the future land use designation of both parcels to High <br /> Density Residential and approval of the concept development plan for a mixed use planned <br /> unit development including the existing Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, a 56-unit three- <br /> story senior housing building, and an off-street parking area, based on the findings outlined <br /> in Section 3, subject to the following conditions: <br /> a. Prior to requesting concept approval from the City Council, the applicant will hold <br /> a design meeting with neighbors and interested public (including the Planning <br /> Commission members if interested) to identify specific changes in site design and <br /> landscaping, materials, massing, and visual screening from the Lake. <br /> b. The applicant will include building design materials (brick, masonry, and natural <br /> materials)that match those of the existing Church building. <br /> C. The applicant will redesign the building mass to be consistent with the height, width, <br /> and size of the existing Church building. <br /> d. The applicant will request, in writing, the Council on January 25, 1 999, accept a 60 <br /> day tirne extension to the project review process for further design refinement. <br /> If the Council approves the concept PUD and the change in the Comprehensive Plan, the <br /> PUD does not tape effect until after final approvals of the PIT and Subdivision and <br /> respective agreements; and review and approval of the Comprehensive Plan change by the <br /> Metropolitan Council; and publication of the PUD ordinance. <br /> 6.0 SUGGESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br /> The developer has asked, attached in writing, for an additional 60 day extension before submitting <br /> the concept and design documents to the Council for a decision. This will change the dates stated <br /> in the public hearing notice for this request. If approved, an amended notice would be prepared by <br /> staff. <br /> resolution,By approve a 60 day extension from this date (January 25, 1999) to March 27, 1999, <br /> superceding the previous extension to March 9, 1999. A draft resolution is attached, <br /> PF3049-RCA(01125/99),Page 8 of 9 <br />