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OS PIG Iss ION Page# 7 <br /> Wednesday, June 7,r 1989 <br /> Dahlgren pointed out that the developer and ' <br /> p the post Office staff <br /> are capable and would like to see an effort to come ' <br /> better proposal �ah1 � � up with a <br /> p gran added that it is difficult to design <br /> the site by committee but that if the e <br /> �. a���-��a�t �� given <br /> direction, they could make changes to came up with a better 1 <br /> � an. <br /> asohka stated that the items of concern included repositioning <br /> the drop boxy providing curbing on the east side, development of <br /> uniform materials and uniform color scheme, rov id in <br /> p g four <br /> handicap parking spaces by the door, and tinting he stucco <br /> painting it, <br /> g vs. <br /> Berry stated that additional right of way should be dedicated <br /> and <br /> that a sidewalk should be provided and she was also c <br /> private space concerned <br /> about having � �,n front, <br /> Goedeke stated he was concerned about the design of the building. <br /> Naschka moved, Berry seconded to continue the public hearing <br /> this matter to July 5, 19890 x <br /> a <br /> ommers stated that he believed that the could <br /> � meet all the <br /> requests except for the Post Of f ice leasing the front art o <br /> � f the <br /> building. ' <br /> f <br /> Dahlgren stated that there appeared to be too much building which 1 <br /> potentially creates the parking problem. Dahl ren suggested g gg the <br /> that <br /> an alternative to be considered might include tearing do <br /> office portion in front. <br /> ommer's replied that there would be $120,000 er ear 1Oss front ortion of � p if the <br /> p the building was torn down. <br /> Johnson stated that Commissioner Stokes is abstaining rom <br /> g this <br /> matter because he did a appraisal of the building. <br /> Roll Call: Ayes: Ma sohka, Berry, Go edeke Johnson g <br /> s <br /> Nays: None <br /> Abstain e, Stokes <br /> 21MMing 127 01 <br /> E <br /> i <br /> Richard tranik request for rezoning f � g fro�1 S-C "'�o B-3F special use <br /> permit for automobile repair shop and variance to arkin <br /> standards at 2168 Snelling Avenue, <br /> p g <br /> Presentation <br />