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City's Development Review Committee, under the direction of the Community <br /> Development Director. However, any substantial departures from the approved site <br /> plan will require another annendment to the planned unit development. <br /> 2. Final grading, storm sewer, utility plans and driveway alignment plans must be <br /> reviewed and approved by the City Engineer/Public works Director. Since the <br /> impervious surface on the site will increase, the applicant will need to contact the <br /> Rice Creep Watershed District for permit requirements. landscape plan roust <br /> be submitted to the City Landscape Architect for approval. <br /> 3. The erosion control plan must be submitted in conj unction with site development. <br /> 6,0 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> On January 13, 1999, the Planning Commission held the required hearing and received <br /> comment from the public. After discussion of the issues (see attached excerpt from the <br /> draft minutes), the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposal (7-o), <br /> citing the cotntnents and findings in Section 3 and the recommendation in Section 4 of <br /> this report. <br /> 6,0 SUGGESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br /> 6.1 By motion, approve of the request to amend the boundary of College Properties/Eagle rest <br /> PUD to add approximately 1.2 acres in order to increase the size of the Country Inn and <br /> Suites building to allow for a three story addition, consistent in design and materials with the <br /> existing building, within which 24 more lodging units and a restaurant will be constructed, <br /> based on the findings outlined in Section 3 of this report and with the conditions outlined in <br /> Section 4 and the Planrrin Commission recommendation within Section 5 of this report. The <br /> effective date of the amended PUD will be after submission of all revised documents, final <br /> approvals, signings of the amended agreement, and publication of the amended PIT <br /> ordinance. <br /> Attachments: location map;notification map;Notice of public hearing; approved toaster site plan(1993);master site <br /> plan showing modified building on this parcel;site plan;grading,drainage,erosion control&utilities plan; landscape <br /> plan;buildm' g floor plan;building elevations and city engineering review(01/04/99). P.C.draft minutes from 1/13/99 <br /> meeting. <br /> 60-day't'irne Limit:application submitted on 12/14/98!-application accepted as complete on 12114198;concept decision <br /> deadline is 02/14/99. Final action on a PUD is considered a separate 60-day review after concept approval. <br /> Prepared by: Dennis Welsch(490-2232) <br /> QACommunity DevelopmentTlanning F i1es1PF30941PF3094-R A(012599).doc <br /> PF#3 094-RCA(01125!99)-Page 4 of 4 <br />