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r T-072 <br /> N h 5 <br /> e <br /> Trade & --- <br /> January 19, 1999 <br /> PP* -- <br /> -BUSIntASS <br /> . C(3jnjjjLjfjj[y <br /> Dennis Welsch 'V t�'I o P.'ll C!I L <br /> Comm unity Development Director <br /> i ►of itoseville <br /> 2660 Civic Ccnter Drive <br /> Roseville, MN 35113 <br /> u bj ect far co asideration at the January 25" City Ccunci!Meed o <br /> Continuation of Emergency Stor-age to December 31., 1999 for <br /> Budder s Supply, 1920 West Courify Ruud C Rosevelle, Aft 55113 <br /> Dear Dennis: I am sending thk lener per oar phi carver ,tion of`today r� ardi the r far <br /> continuation of emergency storage by Builder". Suppler, 1920 West County Road C,RoseV$lle MN 55113. <br /> The Dcpanment of'Trade&Economic Dcv clopmenr, Marketing&Business DevelopmenE Division <br /> has been <br /> actively seeking an alrernativc site for Builder's Suppler since October 22: 1998. We were originally <br /> contacted <br /> by John Skawroniski of Mintay,a brokerage located in Bast Brunswick,NJ. Mnrax's cum er was as Allied <br /> Buildu'ng products Corporation, 15 East Union Avenue,Ease RuThefford,NJ,Builder's-Su <br /> pp1 ies parent <br /> company. <br /> We seat out a RequeWfor Infornmion to 17 cities as follows: <br /> ""We have a cuuomer looking for but 4 acres of land near'interstate 94 or Highway 1 o b Sr. <br /> and i + loud <br /> the Twin Cities. Their are a building products business that su pplies the consnuciion industry. Some <br /> outside storage is expected. They currently operate in Toronto,Duluth awd Rosevillu. <br /> The ideal siruation would be a 30,000 sf concrete block building and a 1 21,000 sf pole ban. A small portion <br /> may be used for remil. (Smaller facilities with space for expansion should also be resented; They es ' <br /> 30 to 60 jobs mostly in warehouse truekin& <br /> presented.) r:mate <br /> They are willing to lease., buy or build.Incentives may be helpful; TIC Minnesom Investment <br /> Skills � � stem Fund,.lobs <br /> perch Ip and maybe some city or county support_ <br /> * kis-is HOT...Please ay to get back wjdk inforommion &es ar by rye end of the weeiL}, <br /> Dennis anteing you can do to expedite this request would be v helpful. INFO is <br /> � p pursuing eery avenue <br /> available to make sure these jobs retrain in the rnctro uea. Thanks main for your help. <br /> p <br /> Sincerely, - <br /> re.VV . sussrn <br /> Ec nom i c Development Specialist <br /> Cc: Mark Lo hu*,Director,. h4arketing& Business Development <br /> Jack Bickel,, Finance Officer,Allied Building products Corporation <br /> 13 Easr Union Avenue? East Rutherford,NJ 07073 <br /> 500 Mctru-Square, 121 Ah Place East.54ni-Pawl.minnesara 5 5f u Y-Zt46 USA <br /> Li 1 f-29 7-1 291*WO-6 57-38 58-F c 6 12-29 x-1 2901296-5 08 7;T!'y/TDD 800-62 7-3 SZ9 <br /> www.dtca b ramum.uh <br />