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THE 12;10 FAX a 003 <br /> Thus, by expressing capacity in temis o f k�13dwi dth, instead of chaiine l <br /> capacity, the City pro, ides itself-L"L exibilit-�F in npp1)9'uq Lhese prL4,11ciples in <br /> the -future, as the use of ftrile.l tee-nof cyv bceomes more prevaient_ <br /> 6, section 4.8 - }-nterc . <br /> This section requires the cities c-F Arden!Hills; Falcon 1 heights, L aiderd.ale, <br /> Little Cmiada, to-ands Vicw, Ncw Brighton, North Oaks, Rose {il1c. St. <br /> Anthony, and Shoreview to be a i#ereonnected with four channels, two <br /> which would b c dedicated iOr video transm-issi un, Lire other tvvo d d icated <br /> for data transmission_ Moreov-� , the propose. Ordinance, also requires <br /> Media-One edia-One to interconnect s steins In areas adjacent to Media lie's system <br /> ix-rhi.6 are outside of the North ubtirb ai L Carrurnission territory. <br /> These interconrfcction n:equiren-icni s app lv� only to the ubscri b er r ork-3 <br /> not the 1-Net. Interconnection 2ives eaclh crrnn-imity the ability to share <br /> data and video signals. <br /> 7. Section 7 ITi sti tuti oral lTervvor k ('J-Net.' provisions. <br /> ti <br /> The feden-a i Cable Act allows the l it�r to re��ire a �ate l e operator t� <br /> Provide an Iw itutioiial Nemrork 101 i:�,-.ucational and oovemmental rise, <br /> Section 7 of the -PToposed rdin c requires ediaOne to provide a <br /> separate institutional network w itli..450 MIL of capacity, couesp onding to <br /> 54 chap.-nicls. The Fianchise roq-fires that 16 ehemneLs on the I-. net be <br /> dedicated for upstreain capability. -58 channels are d.edi-Cated for <br /> downstream capability. The franchise requires that the I-Net he shared by <br /> 31 wki1Yuli."ons within the North S bLirbar Conrmssion ter-tory. <br /> All rye :--city. hall carnplexc-,Ns would he connected to the I-Na All new <br /> PO4 <br /> o_erd t-itioilal institutions would also be Connected as long as the drop <br /> eras css than 500 feet. If the drop exceeds _500 feet, l edr aOne must be <br /> reil-n b LLr,9. d for all increYnenLal costs resulting from the a ecss. <br /> The franchise allows all Roseville insti sati ns listed on Exhibit B to r n.ake <br /> Bull use of 54 ch�ncls for videa transrnission. The City may only -use: up <br /> to 6 channels for non-video pmposesa <br /> - uhseetion is cmi using in that it oontempla.tcs two fibers to he <br /> dedicated for the 54 channel I-Net capacity. But then it rritions an <br /> additional for fibers for the use of the 1--Net institutions, but does not <br /> indicate what die fo sir addiliona.l ors are t e used fir. red, i so�� <br /> B yron's �anversati ori.5 with M%—,,L aOiie rcpresentati-vcs indicate that Lhc <br /> four (4) extra iihers -%xrouldl lie _-d r 74 bL11 a vallable for non-coi=ercial <br /> City use, at cost basis from edia0iie. <br /> .Li me- koseville3 ANN Proj eci <br /> i I627/ -I -7,31)'98-Pg. 5 <br />