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i 3 01*9 8 THU 12:12 FAX 0 00 5 <br /> files acid l e gul atiens conc .rrU IIQ Lie con structik orgy', operaLIGn. aad <br /> rna tcn. nce of the S y stern, as l ncr ,as s uch rcgul atio s, are consistent With <br /> the f ianc hise and law. <br /> Section 8-2 allows the City to desi ate a citizen advisory board oar j pint <br /> powers co rission to admitnister t��c -fran;r se on bolo if of the Yi LY. <br /> 9, Scetion 8.6 -EQLLQ_dx Ev luaLL0,,1. <br /> S ectiot.) 8.6 allows tie City to conduct at session of <br /> ediaO e's perforrnance at anv ttmc durjii�th°frZochi se, upon 15 days' <br /> itten notice to Medi a ne, Tilis is the only pro,%,�sion trt the Rrolposed <br /> Ordinance which addres scs the City's ability to ren ecrxoti ate the Proposed <br /> O i dLnmce to 'LakV 1_iito acco UT A J a char}��.� ++rY.� �fiw�}�4'1;1���� �1 1 <br /> technology. lie Ciry-may not u atalt allay change tl i e fi-a-ricliis e based <br /> upon these evaluation sessions, o,jt rarbe{mm st i-eac_I a good faith <br /> agreement with_Meth aOne to effect ice,chtaaacs rv�!cessary as a res al.t of an- <br /> evaluation session- Fredrikscn &B rmi has seen Provisions in other <br /> ftancliises which allmkr the li ruch se to be -'r,,ovencd'} or whi ch contain <br /> 64 most favored=nations 7'provisions w �fi require the cable system- to keep <br /> up with s Elul situated coy uniti cs, However- tip ese tyP es Of <br /> rOVi sat ons are usual: r n e eti aced n the context of a City that has not b aen <br /> s Ices f 1 in rye tiatin a nne ci �i� s e needs f the <br /> edl ���rall ti Proposed�rdina��e i s a�com-m Lu tv. As e have indicat e <br /> exechent deal for the City, and the types of provisions,tc which we refer <br /> were probably dropped.fa-om he negotl ating t,,ib1e Dace key concessions <br /> WCre received Erom Medi aOnet <br /> evo at t _ Section i . a� ��a Franchise. <br /> ectlo -.]0j . Ves- -he City the aLLLh rit y to rcv ke. teniiinate or cancel the <br /> ft trhis if~MediaOne violates the frui-ic hi se, attempts to evade any of the <br /> �,hisc provisions, or has defij aided the CiLy. The: franchise sets forth <br /> dtte proce.: is procedures that the City must fellow in order to revokc, <br /> eri-ninate or cancel the Franchise.. <br /> ..Section 10. (�) gives the City a ri41�t of first refusal to purc]� e the cable <br /> system in the event it is scl to a dh irdi p a_r y by l edi aOnc. The City <br /> would have the right to purchase the systeali for tic �raiue �f the proposed <br /> transaction tin geiin nght of f":1-St refitsal. <br /> Out]lne-osevi11 e,MIN Proj uct <br /> #2162.72-1 7/30{98 -Pg_ 7 <br />