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THU li.13 FAl 008 <br /> able Eq <br /> The City is also protected a va st disco tLmaU�d op rations. If tli e company <br /> dis contin Lies opt-4.ratbi its faci 1 i E7 e III Tr i N 5 p ub h c lgOnts-o r-way, the �.i <br /> �ou.ld. b ave a hierarchy of ont ons. First. .� , ht-�i ��a ��se�- could <br /> pr xd i rriati n satisfact r�- L� ! �-iii'- ill it lawfully tra��sf rr <br /> L <br /> ts resp ousibiliti s to another.-right-o -��ay u m�f <br /> Alternative y# the ri ht-o1:-w y -user could tcuo'er aiR offer to the CAY to <br /> purchasc the facilities. Or, the C}i€f,� CO LIN req Ldre nc� right- f- av user to <br /> r �z� vo tl� sy s t �zi; at the i t- t` ra x��s r's %.- ar post a and in mi <br /> a-m r urn t sufficient to reirnbv rS t�_ the City for ari v costs associated write <br /> mmoving the cquipment. <br /> Ill. THE CITY'S AUTHORITY 1`0 GRANT �O�l~.1"l ilT CABLE FRS TES <br /> T,NDER FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCkL LAW". <br /> A. B ac around <br /> M.-L .icipal regulation of cable, television opvm,rators is zo erned at the fedcrai 1eve1 <br /> by the Cable Act of 1984, as am nended by the Cable. Telcvislon C un sur„ar <br /> Protcetiort and Competition Act o f 19 92 and tq e Te1cc o f nmaznica'tions Act of 1996 <br /> (berein the "Cable Act"). At Lhe 5taie 1ev�i_ rjia ;Cipal regulation of cable <br /> Lai evi lion op efators is governed by-Nti ncsota Statutes. Chapte1- 7.11 8- The it <br /> wiH also be bOUD d by the ternts and conditions of Lkie franchise it grants to <br /> ediaOnc_ All of these regulations M_U-S mesh MOD a 001151 stein regulatory <br /> structure that is ad anxstered by the Cif <br /> The Cable.Act � is the authority�f local ���Pnlli L is l�j-�gulate cable operators. <br /> oNve r the Cable Act does not cornpreh nslvely address the ranting of a <br /> corms efing f�.�se her a:.mi-�cipality. The Cable Act proWbi is exclusive contracts <br /> p <br /> ant sates.;tb t:.a mn� i pality may t `'un�-�asenably refuse to awrard an additional <br /> competitive franchise." 47 U.S.C. § 541(a)(1). ���1eivi deciding whether to grant a <br /> competitive franc s e, a bran chi.sing ant to n ty 1-n ay require adequate ass-L=ees from a <br /> cable operator rcgarding the financial, tcchr_�lcal, and legal quftlificatioms of the cable <br /> p rator t p�- de cable service. 4" ��. . . 541(a)(4)(C). The. dial of any <br /> r l uaii ors for a competitive ,Lnohise may be appealed to a federal or state court of <br /> c.c)mpctcjjtjurisdiction. 47 U.S.C. 541(a)( <br /> A, INfirinesota municipality must require a fran6hi se or extension permit of any <br /> :l 1. <br /> operator providinr service rithfi, thE. rnradd7pzd1t . rl, . - § 238_08(l)(a). <br /> However} no municipality can grant an additionai ffiLnchise for cable seZ-vice ire an <br /> area already served by a cable operator �oj3 tern{i s and cor.i d.iti ons more fav oruble or <br /> less bLirdensorne than those iii the exi s fig *_Fu m chi s e pertaining to., (1) th.we area <br /> served; (2) public, educational, ou uo ��meat across reqT��ire1�1 nts; or (3) <br /> Ouxline-Roseville,�T Proicct <br /> 42162772'Y -7!30!98-Fty. 10 <br />