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interfere with the use of Rights-of-Way except for normal and reasonable <br /> obstruction and interference which might occur during construction and to <br /> cause minimum interference with the rights of property owners who abut <br /> any of said Rights-of-Way and not to interfere with existing public utility <br /> I <br /> nstallations. <br /> C. If at any time during the period of this Franchise City shall elect to alter or <br /> change the grade or location of any light-of-Way, the Grantee shall, at its <br /> own expense, upon reasonable notice by City, remove and relocate its <br /> poles, wires, cables, conduits, manholes and other fixtures of the System, <br /> and in each instance comply with the reasonable and lawful standards and <br /> specifications of City. <br /> d. The Grantee shall not place poles, conduits, or other fixtures of System <br /> above or below ground where the sane will interfere with any gas, electric, <br /> telephone, water or other utility fixtures and all such poles, conduits, or <br /> other futures placed in any light-of-Way shall be so placed as to comply <br /> with all reasonable and lawful requirements of City. <br /> e. The Grantee shall, upon request of any Person holding a moving permit <br /> issued by City, temporarily move its -wires or fixtures to permit the moving <br /> of buildings with the expense of such temporary removal to be paid by the <br /> Person requesting the same, and the Grantee shall be given not less than ten <br /> (10) days advance written notice to arrange for such temporary changes. <br /> f. The Grantee shall have the authority to trim any trees upon and <br /> overhanging the Rights-of-Way of City so as to prevent the branches of <br /> such trees from corning in contact with the wires and cables or other <br /> facilities of the Grantee. <br /> g, Grantee shall use its best efforts to give reasonable prior notice to any <br /> adjacent private property owners who will be negatively affected or <br /> impacted by Grantee's work in the Rights-of-Way. <br /> 4. nd ro din f Cable. [finless otherwise required by action of City Council, <br /> Grantee must place newly constructed facilities underground in areas of City where <br /> all other utility lines are placed underground. Amplifier boxes and pedestal <br /> mounted terminal boxes may be placed above ground if existing technology <br /> reasonably requires, but shall be of such size and design and shall be so located as <br /> not to be unsightly or unsafe, all pursuant to plans submitted with Grantee's permit <br /> application(s) and approved by City. <br /> 5. Installation of Facilities. No poles, conduits, amplifier boxes, pedestal mounted <br /> terminal boxes, similar structures, or other wire-holding structures shall be erected <br /> or installed by the Grantee without required permit of City. <br /> 10 <br />