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54 Sale or Transfer_of Franchise. <br /> a. No sale or transfer of the Franchise, or sale, transfer, or fundamental <br /> corporate change of or in Grantee, including, but not limited to, a <br /> fundamental corporate change in Grantee's parent corporation or any entity <br /> having a controlling interest in Grantee, the sale of a controlling interest in <br /> the Grantee's assets, a merger including the merger of a subsidiary and <br /> parent entity, consolidation} or the creation of a subsidiary or affiliate <br /> entity, shall take place until a written request has been filed with City <br /> requesting approval of the sale, transfer, or corporate change and such <br /> approval has been granted or deemed granted, provided, however, that said <br /> approval shall not be required where Grantee grants a security interest in <br /> its Franchise and/or assets to secure an indebtedness. <br /> b. Any sale, transfer, exchange or assignment of stock in Grantee, or <br /> Grantee's parent corporation or any other entity having a controlling <br /> interest in Grantee, so as to create a new controlling interest therein, shall <br /> be subject to the requirements of this Section 10.5. The term "controlling <br /> interest's as used herein is not limited to majority stock ownership, but <br /> includes actual working control in whatever manner exercised. 1n any <br /> event, as used herein., a new ii controlling interest's shall be deemed to be <br /> created upon the acquisition through any transaction or group of <br /> transactions of a legal or beneficial interest of fifteen percent 1 or <br /> more by one Person. Acquistion by one Person of an interest of five <br /> percent ( ) or more in a single transaction shall require notice to City. <br /> C. The Grantee shall file, in addition to all documents, forms and information <br /> required to be filed by applicable law, the following <br /> L All contracts, agreements or other documents that constitute the <br /> proposed transaction and all exhibits!, attachments, or other <br /> documents referred to therein which are necessary in order to <br /> understand the terms thereof. <br /> 2. A list detailing all documents filed with any state or federal agency <br /> related to the transaction including, but not limited to, the 11 PU , <br /> the FCC., the FTC, the FEC, the SEC or MnDOT. Upon request, <br /> Grantee shall provide City with a complete copy of any such <br /> document; and <br /> 3. Any other documents or information related to the transaction as <br /> may be specifically requested by the City. <br /> d., City shall have such tirne as is perm'tted by federal law in which to review <br /> a transfer request. <br /> 8 <br />