Laserfiche WebLink
SECTION <br /> PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS <br /> Discrirr'nat. ry Practices Prohibited. Grantee shall not deny service, deny access, <br /> or otherwise discriminate against Subscribers or general citizens on the basis of <br /> race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, status as to public assistance, <br /> affectional preference, or disability. Grantee shall comply at all tines with all <br /> other applicable federal, state, and city laws, and all executive and administrative <br /> orders relating to nondiscrimination. <br /> 2. Sub_ criber Private. <br /> a. No signals including signals of a Class IV Channel may be transmitted from <br /> a Subscriber terminal for purposes of monitoring individual viewing <br /> patterns or practices without the express written permission of the <br /> Subscriber. Such written permission shall be for a limited period of time <br /> not to exceed one (1) year which may be renewed at the option of the <br /> Subscriber. No penalty shall be invoked for a Subscriber's failure to <br /> provide or renew such authorization. The authorization shall be revocable <br /> at any time by the Subscriber without penalty of any bind whatsoever. <br /> Such permission shall be required for each type or classification of Class <br /> IV Channel activity planned for the purpose of monitoring individual <br /> viewing patterns or practices. <br /> b. No lists of the names and addresses of Subscribers or any lists that identify <br /> the viewing habits of Subscribers shall be sold or otherwise made available <br /> to any party other than to Grantee or its agents for Grantee's service <br /> business use or to City for the purpose of Franchise administration, and <br /> also to the Subscriber subject of that information, unless Grantee has <br /> received specific written authorization from the Subscriber to mare such <br /> data available. Such written permission shall be for a limited period of <br /> time not to exceed one (1) year which may be renewed at the option of the <br /> Subscriber. No penalty shalt be involved for a Subscriber's failure to <br /> provide or renew such authorization. The authorization shall be revocable <br /> at any time by the Subscriber without penalty of any kind whatsoever. <br /> C. written permission from the Subscriber shall not be required for the <br /> conducting of System wide or individually addressed electronic sweeps for <br /> the purpose of verifying System integrity or monitoring for the purpose of <br /> billing. Confidentiality of such information shall be subject to the <br /> provision set forth in subparagraph (b) of this Section. <br /> 30 <br />