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Stromy bratich tilliolls k�cilk hi-Imich tmioris <br /> Im <br /> inrolle(l <br /> upturned <br /> sunken <br /> Branch bark ridoes Fir.,-inch hark 1-1(100 ;jr-C <br /> 111-C j1JIL(I Iled. <br /> Shill-ef)arc,-I below <br /> brancli ofteii kmn(l, <br /> cross section view <br /> Bark 'Is gro%vinor inside <br /> Bark- not arowinu t, <br /> L� t, (11C Union", termed <br /> inside the Union. included I-Park. <br /> Wood from brarv-11 There are poor connectionss <br /> has solid connections between wood in branch <br /> with wood from stem. and wood itl stem. <br /> Stmng hranch unions are cliamcterized hN--,-I U-5,11CIPed connections, hranch arigle.s <br /> approaching 90 degrees and upturned branch hark ridges,at branchJ1,111CHMIS. �Vjjejj [Ile <br /> hranch bark- ridge is ti tamed,there is no included bark. '�Vood rrom the branch cyrowq <br /> `rfogelher with wood from the stern creating a sound Union, <br /> There arc qpmfic situations ".1lich will ifidicale a 41CIII or III-LITIC11 II'v;ZI 111(rh or <br /> modcrate po (critial m [Lail. <br /> High failure poteiithfl: <br /> I)A weak branch union that is also cracked.caukered or decaved. <br /> 'NV A weak Union i n the tree's Ilot spot." <br /> Moderate failure potential: <br /> I)A weak Union with inrolled b,ark at the branch hark ridoe. <br />