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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> D 1TF. 8/10/98 <br /> ITEM O,. F-3 <br /> Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br /> Y <br /> Reports and Fiecerneridestriens <br /> Item Description: Modify Parking Restrictions on .fast Snelling Service Drive between <br /> County load C-2 and Lydia Avenue <br /> Background: As part of this year's pavement Management Program, the East Snelling Service <br /> Drive will be constructed to a width of 28 feet. At this width, City policy requires that p ark ing be <br /> restricted to one side only. when the Council ordered the project earlier-this gear, it included <br /> prohibiting parking on the west side of the roadway between County Road C-? and Glen Hill <br /> Road. <br /> Recently, a number of property owners between County Road C-2 and Lydia Avenue have <br /> expressed concern regarding the location of the parking lane. The main concern is that because all <br /> of the driveways are located on the cast side of the roadway, there will be a shortage of space for <br /> parking. Based on these concerns, the Engineering Department has reviewed the potential of <br /> allowing parking on the west side of the roadway instead of the cast side. Prior to construction, <br /> many vehicles were parked on the west side of the roadway. Those who utilized the parking are <br /> accustomed to crossing the roadway to get to the businesses and apartments on the east side. In <br /> this case, keeping the parking lane on the west side is a reasonable solution. The parking on the <br /> Service Drive between Lydia. Avenue and glen Hill Road would remain on the east side as <br /> previously approved by the Council. <br /> RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: <br /> Motion modifying the parking on the East Snelling Service Drive between County load -2 and Lydia <br /> Avenue to prohibit parking on the east side of the roadway and allowing parking on the west side of the <br /> roadway. <br /> Prepared bar: Jar Kennedy <br />