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WORK SESSION A E NINA ITEM NO 1 <br /> July 7, 1 gg8 <br /> TO: City Council <br /> 1'R 0 M: Steve Sarkozy <br /> SUBJECT: METROPOLITAN COUNCIL—COST OF GROWTH STUDY <br /> Approximately one year ago, the Metropolitan Council approved the "Regional Growth <br /> Strategies"which is intended to be the blueprint for metropolitan development into the next <br /> century. This regional strategy will help define: 1) the way our metropolitan area <br /> accommodates some 600,000 new residents in the next 20 years; ) the patterns of <br /> redevelopment including transportation, housing, etc.; and ) the direction of tax policy in <br /> response to development patterns and service delivery costs. <br /> The Regional Growth strategies has many assumptions about the cost of accommodating <br /> new development and redevelopment. In order to test those assumptions, Met. Council <br /> is conducting the `cost of Growth Study'! and has offered the City of Roseville an <br /> opportunity to participate. This typo of study is unique in the country, and one of the most <br /> forward thinking approaches to understanding long-term costs of service delivery on a city <br /> a metropolitan area wide basis. <br /> The benefits to Roseville would include a financial impact analysis of our current service <br /> delivery system over a long period of time} allowing the City to evaluate long-term costs <br /> and developing a system of financial benchmarks. In addition, long-term service costs in <br /> Roseville arnd our community's revenue projections will be evaluated based on the <br /> antic= ated regional growth model to assess our ability to sustain our current strong <br /> p g <br /> financial position. - <br /> The cost to the city of Roseville is an amount not to exceed $10,000 plus some staff time <br /> to'-support the effort. We will-be seeking financial support from the 35W Corridor Coalition <br /> with the hope that they would pick up $5,000 of our cost leaving the City with only a <br /> $5,000 commitment) on the basis that the lessons learned in Roseville are transferable to <br /> other cities in the 35W corridor. The cost for this should be committed from the 1998 <br /> Contingent Account. <br /> Bill Byers: staff Economist at the filet. Council, will be present at our work session to <br /> answer questions the Council may have. Should the Council agree to proceed, this item <br /> would be on the July 27 regular City Council meeting agenda for final approval. <br /> Respectfully ectfully submitted. <br /> Attachments: Participating Cities (Preliminary) Proposed Cost of Growth Study <br /> p g <br /> Description of Proposed Services and Prod u ct —Tisch le r Associates, <br />