Roseville City Council Minutes Page 6
<br /> May 26, 1998
<br /> E-1 Wiski moved, Mastel seconded,that the Open Government and Fiscal OPEN
<br /> Disclosure Policy, which extends the Council's past practice of openness to all GOVERNMEN T
<br /> City affiliated groups, Committees, Associations and Joint powers organizations AND FISCAL
<br /> he continued to the regular City Council meeting of Monday, June 8, 1998. loll DISCLOSURE
<br /> Call, Y es: Mastel, Maschka, Wiski, oedeke, and wall. bays: None. POLICY
<br /> E-2 Wiski moved, Goedeke seconded, that the 1998 IUDE, Local 49 contract 1998 1U0
<br /> settlement be approved, and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract LOCAL 4
<br /> incorporating the settlement terms, subject to approval by the City Attorney.
<br /> Roll Call, Ayes: Mastel, Maschka, Wiski, Goedeke, and wall. Nays: Nome.
<br /> E-3 Mastel moved, Maschka seconded,that a Special Council Work Session be ROEVILLE
<br /> established for Monday, June 15, 1998, beginning at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose CONVENTION
<br /> of interviewing applicants for the general Business Community Representative AND VISITORS
<br /> on the Roseville Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors, and BUREAU
<br /> discussion of appointment of a Council Member to serve as Director for a tern
<br /> expiring the second Thursday in January, 2000 be deferred to this meeting also.
<br /> Roll Call, Ayes: Mastel, Maschka, Wiski, Goedeke, and wall. bays: bone.
<br /> Mastel moved, Wiski seconded,, that the deadline for applications for the
<br /> Hotel/Motel Industry Representatives on the Convention and Visitors Bureau
<br /> Board be extended to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, June 18, 1998. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br /> Mastel, Maschka, Wiski, Goedeke, and Wall. Nays: None.
<br /> F-1 Goedeke moved, Mastel seconded that Roseville Area Schools install building SCHOOL
<br /> si rya a denoting the name of the school gymnasium,theater, and administration SIGNAGE
<br /> with lettering of similar design as used on the Gymnastics Center. Roll Call, PROGRAM
<br /> Ayes: Mastel,Maschka, Wiski, Goedeke, and wall. Nays: None.
<br /> oedeke moved, Mastel seconded,that the staff of the City and Roseville Area
<br /> Schools reach final agreement on the monument signage, with the City's portion
<br /> not to exceed$8,000 (to be taken from the Parks and recreation Infrastructure
<br /> Fund) and allow for construction this summer. Roll Call, Ayes: Mastel,
<br /> Maschka, Wiski, Goedeke, and wall. Nays: None.
<br /> Wiski moved, Maschka seconded,that the staff of the City and Roseville Area
<br /> School District develop a plan for a signing plaza at County load B-2 and
<br /> Lexington as part of the High School campus, and bring hack to the Council for
<br /> final approval. boll Call, Ayes: Mastel, Maschka, Wiski, Goedeke, and wall.
<br /> Nays: None.
<br />