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t /02/?000 <br /> For focal tle e s dell% C1 ed �,j <br /> rout Page Decide how you'll be governed <br /> t,'tuall enter address here: <br /> Busilless <br /> ('0111rtlur11ty If some people can't get excited about voting for (or against) ("lick ads below For larger version <br /> Harbor individual candidates, then the question of how they are <br /> spor-ts governed should stimulate them enough to et them to the <br /> Arts P01 g g <br /> � <br /> alendar' <br /> poi Is. <br /> , <br /> Births and <br /> ObItuat'le s clectimis in c�vport <br /> Letters <br /> Locally, N e kk,p o rt c i-s will decide if city ejections should take <br /> I.-I'ditonals lace oii t vei ears or t-eina"l on odd mies. While <br /> Feedback <br /> eedback p Y <br /> Index arguments for either scenario I-lave merit, can Newport <br /> Archive continue to make e x p e rl s i v c decisions without c o i i s i d e n n g <br /> C"011 t a c t €s the island's needs as a whole? <br /> .d vel-tisifill <br /> (1asstfieds Opponents of ev eti-year el ec ti ms fear that national and state <br /> Classified Order topics would bury city issues. But odd-year vo t i tig ignores <br /> Subscriptiffln issues that the three island communIties should be working <br /> to <br /> o ti ether.g <br /> `-1 L 1'\I ILT v <br /> Local links <br /> Weather For example, a minority of Newporters recently voted to <br /> Search Web expand the public library on Spring Street. Next week, <br /> �_:� �• r c�► M i d d t e t o w n e rs will decide if their library should grow as <br /> well. With same-year elections, could the two communities <br /> Search <br /> have built one 11ekk' library together, close to each of their <br /> population centers" <br /> %,rwport This Wee <br /> A [Ugh oe"cdi 1'earino a return to partisan politics in N01at is supposed to bc� <br /> r Fr non-affiliated city elections, those favoring odd-year <br /> elections overlook the fact that the largest block of <br /> registered voters ill Newport are unaffiliated. Accusations of <br /> political party meddling have surfaced during every <br /> N e�v p o nt election always without resolution. Maybc C�-e n.. <br /> year voting would bring closer supervision to our non- <br /> partisan elections. <br /> Weighing in for even-year elections, proponents say the city <br /> would save money. and that the switch would increase voter <br /> turnout. They point out that Newport is one of only three <br /> communities in the state that hold off-year elections. <br /> 'Yes, m o ri ey could be saved by not holding elections on odd <br /> Iittp-./,/w %r w.newporttliisweek..coiii/rNews1 000/I t 0?/Editorials/22.htm1 4/1/02 <br />