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David 1, Kennedy <br /> Page 4 <br /> October 27, 1995 <br /> clear that tht lev islature intended to apply the. uniform election day requirements of she <br /> st.:.1i017 W home-rule as well as RalUtvey cities. Indeed there is no other plausible explanation <br /> nc striking the qualifying word "statutory" from the category of cities to which the subdivision <br /> is addressed. <br /> NVe are aware of Minn. Stat. 410.015 and 410.21 (1994) which provide: <br /> 410.015 DUNTIONS RELATING TO CITIES. . <br /> The term "statutory city"means any city which has nor adopted a home <br /> rule charter pursuant to the constitution and laws; the words "home rule charter <br /> city" mean any city which has adopted such a charter. In any law adopred after <br /> July 1, 1976, the word "city" when used without further description extending the <br /> application of the term to home rule charter cities means statutory cities only. <br /> 4 <br /> 410.21 APPLICATION OF GENERAL ELECTION LAWSV <br /> "J"ht provisions of any charter of any such city. adopted pursuant to this <br /> chapter shall be valid and shall control as to nominations, primary elections, and <br /> elections for municipal offices, notwithstanding that such charter provisions may <br /> bf.3, inconsistent with any general law relating thereto, and such general laws shall <br /> apply on)y in so far as consistent with such charter. <br /> We do nor believe, however, that either or these sections prevents application of <br /> section 205.07, subd. 1 to the City of Crystal in 1998. <br /> First, �4 inn. Stat. 200.02, s ubd. 8 (1994) defines "c i N for purposes of the <br /> "Minnesota election law" to mean "a home rule charter or statutory city." Thus `the term as <br /> Used in, section 205.0'7, is amended, has been exprfssly extended to home rule as well as <br /> ,,"ory cil, <br /> g t er-rliorp.. riw,�%- c -standing the wording of section Nlir n. Scat. § 205.02 -s <br /> ariie,idcd by section. 4 of the. :994 Act provides as folio-,-vs: <br /> S u b d, 2. CITY ELECTIONS. In all statutory and home rule charter <br /> cities, the primary, general and special elections held for choosing city officials <br /> and deciding public questions relating to the city shall be held as provided in this <br /> chapter, except that sections 205.065, s ubd i visoin -a 4 to 7; <br /> 205 .01 subdivision 205.10: 205.121; and .� ._ 205.17. <br /> subdivisiona ? and 3. do not apply to a city whose charter provides the manner of <br /> holding its primary, general or special e j ew L i o n s. <br />