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P /,6,^/7 a,17 <br /> ? At 6 L-5 liz Ae Z5�-k Xe al cy 1,o e xe 7� e4,?r-Aex-- <br /> rinesota,Statutes QQ �`able, apt rs <br /> r 1 VV <br /> T a�.e o f contents-for Chal2te'05 � <br /> >eo <br /> 205-07 City general election, � � /Ae <br /> Subdivi s or. I. Date of election. The run c ipa l <br /> gener,t,,l elect ion J.r. each city shall be held on the f it St Tuesday <br /> after the first Monday in November in every even-nw,ber+ed year. <br /> Notwichtta.nding any provision of law to the contrary and subject <br /> :o the provisions of this section, the governing body of a city <br /> nay. by ordinance passed at a regular meeting help before June I <br /> of any year, elect co hold the election on C.1-be first Tuesday <br /> after the fjvS4 Monday in November in each odd-numbered year. A <br /> my hold elegy,.ions in either Che even-numbered year or Che <br /> add-niLr bered year. but got both. When a cicy changes its <br /> 4ect i o-s fzom one year to another, and does not royide for <br /> e i.r -, of terms by ordinance, the t- of an <br /> .z .. . rm '.'i umbe n t- <br /> expiring at a time when 'no municipal election is held in the <br /> months . Lia� y prior to expiration is extended until the . <br /> date for taking office following the next scheduled muniicival <br /> ��tian. If the change results in having three council members z <br /> to elected at a succeeding election, the two individuals <br /> receiving the highest vote shall serve for terms of four years <br /> and the individual receiving the third 'highest number of wares <br /> sha l 1 serve for a term of two years. To provide an orderly <br /> a:i1�.�on to �;� odd or even year e ec .�:� iplan, the governing <br /> :..ludy a! t:je city -may adopt supplementary ardinances ;egu .at in <br /> and officers to be chosen aC the elections and <br /> 5 o-?}gi n;�� � lengthening t arms of incumbents and t hose <br /> 1 lec�e(i at the ni t i a? elecl:._iorl. The t��'�t of ���ice �ax the <br /> mayor may be either two or four years. The term of office of <br /> council members is four years. ,.qhenever the time of the <br /> muri cipal election is changed, the city clerk i:* ediaLtel y shall <br /> *lots fy in wr i Ling the county auditor and sec recarV of state of <br /> the change of date. Thereafter the municipal general election <br /> shall. �De held on the fi,rst Tuesday often the first Monday in <br /> lovember. in each odd;-I'umbere % or ever.-numbered <br /> year �riti� ::�e <br /> rl-)rdinance. 1.cs ti�%rolked alid � ��,. c3 Qn Car the p rig is made. <br /> ; 1976 C: 41.; s 70 <br /> ti: Effect of ordinance; referendum. Ar. <br /> N.1ha_^.gin g -he year or' the municipal elect_o �s <br /> t;�f e�•t:1-,ire 240D days of ter passage and pu.6-1, 1-cat ion .or later <br /> a s. n ,-.he or d nance_ Within 180 days a-t e pas-age and <br /> w,a!1-Ion of -�_-..e ardinaree, a ne ion recrouest,na a rpferend3.:..m <br /> �ne or a?-ate ce may be f i iea wi ch the c �:y cl erg:. The petit-i on <br /> ha ne sredy eli�lb� tamers Baal :: der t� yen <br /> percent o �.€: total number Q votes a a. � � city 41 ��'Ie <br /> is <br /> ast zzitun? pal general elegy pion. `ahe requ si�e 3e <br /> OR�1 �.. e Qz di nance s'ha' no: <br /> becam-e e ec 4 i V e t i l i t 4&s ar_)n_aved. by a :rah are.z.y of t'11 e <br /> ng on he cru t�V� a� �r^ genera,� or specla� Elec�'io~, <br /> -� �e �`,'QT.nt -1 ea s b w_a'r"S after SLIbI l-.3sion, or L.• e <br /> _L_C,n' w _eft ody may reco:i c ide r 3 �s Vic. <br /> a. <br /> zhe ti- e. <br />