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preservation, residential neighborhoods, and land use problems that can be offered <br /> to residents and the City? (Iti's not anticipated that a "new" body of research will <br /> be compiled by outside experts without City Council approval.) <br /> What are the public policy issues that male housing preservation a <br /> critical issue within a first rim suburb <br /> 2. What is the current state of housing in Roseville What is the <br /> condition of housing, age, ownership, tenure, size, affordability, <br /> comparative value, and trends? What is the future of this housing? <br /> 3. Review city housing preservation policy, programs, practice, and <br /> codes to determine efficiency and effectiveness of the current <br /> program. <br /> 4. What can we learn from other communities and organizations that <br /> have dealt with housing preservation issues? <br /> What are the rights and responsibilities(e.g. property owners,tenants <br /> the City, the County, and the state). <br /> Prat are specific charges to Roseville housing programs should be <br /> considered ? <br /> 7 Should there be revisions or improvements made to the city housing <br /> regulations or land use codes and, if so, why and what should be <br /> done? <br /> 8 what role does the public and private sector play in <br /> improving/changes to the housing stock and neighborhood. How <br /> should Roseville eIs effort be coordinated with other agencies or the <br /> County? <br /> 9 What public"experts" are available to help the task force? <br /> The Task Force is encouraged to use the resources of the Roseville Community <br /> 2 <br />