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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> DATE: <br /> 4/13/98 <br /> ITEM No: F- <br /> Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br /> ".7 Deports and Recommendations <br /> Item Description: Naming of Park Land <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> In October of 1997, the City purchased the Zuettel property for a neighborhood <br /> ark. In January of 1998, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended <br /> the name for the new park be Pioneer Park. The Zuettei family requested that <br /> the Council reconsider the recommended name and the Council referred the <br /> matter back to the Parks and Recreation Commission for further study. At their <br /> April 7 meeting. The Parks and Recreation commission reviewed several issues <br /> concerning the name and subsequently modified their recommendation. The <br /> Parks and Recreation commission now recommends that the name for the new <br /> park be Zuettel Pioneer Park based on the following: <br /> 1 The Zuettel family vigorously pursued keeping the land as perk which <br /> included passing on a developer's purchase offer which was <br /> approximately $250,000 higher than the agreed upon price. . <br /> 2. This parcel has remained historically complete since its ownership in <br /> 1921. <br /> 3. The neighbors overwhelming support the name Zuettel be included in <br /> the park. <br /> 4. The identifiable geographical description that almost all citizens use <br /> as a reference for this area is Zuettel park. <br /> The Commission believes that the combination of the two names recognizes both <br /> the contributions of the early pioneers to Roseville as well as the Zuettel family. <br /> They also felt the naive was particularly significant in that this is the 50th <br /> anniversary of Roseville. <br /> POLICY o EJ ECTIVE <br /> The established city policy is to refer to the Parks and Recreation Commission <br /> for recommendation on the naming of city parks and recreation land and <br />