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7. What segments of the population would you market this development? What do you <br /> expect the population to be like after full development — who will be living there? <br /> S . Are there any linkage programs between your proposed housing and existing housing in <br /> the community from which some of your buyers/tenants could come from? <br /> 9. Explain how you determined your land bid? <br /> a. Are there any conditions attached to this bid? <br /> b. How do you propose to buy down the site? Entirely at one time or in phases? <br /> c. Are there any subsidies requested? Are federal or state finance program being <br /> considered for this development or portions thereof? Will the City be asked to assess the <br /> costs of public improvements? Are housing revenue bonds proposed? Are any tax credits <br /> or syndications being considered? <br /> d. What do you estimate the property taxes will be on your project? <br /> 10. What are the steps in your development staging? Assuming approval, when will <br /> construction begin, what are the phases, when will construction be completed? <br /> 11. Why should the community choose your proposal over the other ones? <br /> QAPlanning Files13200-324913243—Arona Dev 20001Master Plan RFQ and Baekground\Suggested Council Interview Questions (080502).doe <br /> 2 <br />