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Site Access Shows access to Shows Terrace Shows Terrace Drive Shows Terrace Onve <br /> Terrace, emergency Drive connection connection and connection and <br /> access to JLT and and emergency emergency access to emergency access to <br /> future access for access to JLT JLT JLT <br /> Phase II, III <br /> Trail Connections within Specifically shows Shows trail Shows trail Trail comechons <br /> and to neighborhood <br /> trap connections connections I connections shown throughout and <br /> throughout and to the throughout and throughout and to the to the neighborhoods. <br /> neighborhood connections to the north and east <br /> neighborhood neighborhood. No <br /> connection to the west. <br /> Design Proposed Materials Cedar sing& Heavy duty asphalt Not yet determined but Brick,stone and vinyl <br /> shingles, Asphalt shingles, high likely traditional siding or steel siding,vinyl <br /> roof, metal roof at quality vinyl siding with plaster and brick windows. <br /> porches & Brick as the primary wall <br /> optional material with accent <br /> brick or stone. <br /> On-site Parking Back loaded garages Garages and Rear loaded garages. -Garages,on street <br /> and underground underground Surface parking for and underground, <br /> parking parking with the senior building not to parking proposed <br /> great houses exceed one space/unit <br /> (HUD requirements) <br /> Type of new residents Singles, seniors, first Seniors and youn(i First time families, First time hoxnebuyers, <br /> time homebuyer professionals young professional, seniors and empty <br /> families and empty empty nesters and nesters and young <br /> nesters. seniors. professionals. <br /> Estimated New Value <br /> Total Market Value $19 mill $21.8 mill $19 million $16.7 million <br /> Value Per Unit Senior Condo -$135- SF-$230-$250)000 TH-$16000 Senior-$16O,00O/u <br /> 17500 TH-$220-$3 15,000 1 Senior-$62,000 SF-$160-180,000/u <br /> TH-$200--250,000 Great House , $225- TH-$18000 <br /> SF-$230-23000 $30500 <br /> Habitat-$15000 <br /> Land Bid(per/sf or per/unit) $1.1 million $1.1 million $1.1 mill $1.3 million <br /> $2.83 per sgfl $13,095 per unit TH-$10,000/unit senior «$8,000/u <br /> (does not include 4 Senior -$290,000 total SF.$30,000/u <br /> acres green space) TH-$25,00O/u <br /> Proposed Development spring 03 — spring 03- spring 03 — Apr 03 — senior start <br /> Schedule Construction begin Construction Begin Construction Start on March 03 TH start <br /> Winter 05 — Dec 04 -Project TH March 03 — SF start <br /> Construction Complete based on spring 04 — Aug 03 —Complete SF <br /> complete market conditions Construction on Senior &TH <br /> Bldg March 04 —Complete <br /> Senior <br />