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W <br /> The Employcr hereby ciects to"Pick up"the Mandarory/Required PartLcipant <br /> Contribution. <br /> D des ❑ No <br /> JNca to Fanp*er- Neither sn opinion letter issued by the Internal <br /> Revenue Service with respect to the nnxorype Plan.nor a determination <br /> letter issued.o an adop ins EmploYer is a ruling by dw Internal FLevenue <br /> Service that Parricipant conrribuciom that a=picked up by the Ernooyer Arc <br /> not includable in the participants gross income for federal incorne tax purr. <br /> poses. The Employer may seek such a ruling, <br /> Picked up contributions are extludablt from the Partic+pant`s gross <br /> .nCome under section 414(h)(?)of the Internal Revrenue irk of 1986 only <br /> if they meet the requirements of Rev.Foul.61-35. 1981-1 C.B.2 5 5. Those <br /> requirements are(1)char the Empiuyer must specify that the contributions. <br /> II although designared m employee contributions,are being paid by the'Em- <br /> !� player in lieu of contributions by the employ t:and(2)€he emplore must <br /> not have the option of receiving the contributed amounts directly instead of <br /> hawing them paid by the Emplayer to the pland <br /> D Fixed Employer M�teh of Participant Contribu ns. <br /> The lEmployu shall cantdbum on behalf of each Participant—.%Of Earn{ <br /> inp for the Play Year(subject to the limitaricns of Articles V mid 111 of the <br /> Flan)for each Tarr Year that such Participant has contributed of <br /> Pa rn ings or$.�. Lkwier this option,Chem is a single,fixed tact of Em- <br /> ployer cores iWtions,but a Participant may decline to rrtialce the requited <br /> Participant contri"ions in any Plan Year,in which case no Employer coMi- <br /> bution will be made on the Participant's behalf in that Plan Year. <br /> ❑ Variable Employer later Of Pam#pant Contributionfif <br /> The Exaployer sf►all contribute on behalf of each Participant an amount de- <br /> termkvj as folla'ws(subject to the l wr rations of Articles V and V1 of the Pa): <br /> _%of the Participant contribau ores ma&by the Participant;for <br /> the Plan Year(not including Portia r conn#butions exceeding—.,..%of <br /> Eames of S <br /> pLUS .%of the contribuEiiau nude by the Participant for the <br /> Plan Year in excess of dwse included in the abavc paragraph(but not imlud- <br /> ing Paitickmw con€ributkwu exceeding in the ag uepre�%of Ea�ings <br /> or$ <br /> FrnploM Concributioru on behalf of a Partiicipant fCW a Plan Year <br /> I <br /> shall=exceed$ or of EarnirVt whichever is 3 rwft cc <br /> C1 1 . <br /> MPP Adoption Agreeawnt 12123/94 <br /> 001-94 <br /> 2B:3 <br />