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City of Roseville, City Council <br /> Preliminary Establishment of <br /> Fiscal Goals to Guide The 1999 Budget Process <br /> Assunintions <br /> 1. The ceonomy for 1999 will be satisfactory but will not be as strong as 1997 and early 1998. <br /> 2. The rate of inflation will not be higher than 2.4%in 1999 <br /> 3. The Ugisl atum will continue to reduce the commerci alai dustrial tax base causing an eventual shift to <br /> homeowners <br /> 4. Action by the legislature will continue to reduce the role of Tax Increment Financing as well as the dollars <br /> flowing from the current districts. <br /> 5. The Council expects no change for 1999 in its current mission statement or objectives as set out by the Vista <br /> 2000 process . <br /> 6. There will continue to be eomM tior and partici o <br /> lta n major proposed projects}as the City <br /> has done in the past. <br /> Fiscal Goals for 999 <br /> A. The Council understands that the levy limits, as set out by State Statute,is going to lu' m't new tax dollars: <br /> Goal:The general tax levy is estimated to increase by no more than 2.3% or $150,000. <br /> B. The Council will consider funding new programs or ideas presented by the Departments and which are <br /> congruent with the Council's mission and goals. <br /> Goal:The funding for any new city programs will be found within the allowed tax levy or from <br /> other sources.Programs that require additional City future permanent funding will be avoided; <br /> C. The City experts to maintain its benchmark costs and tax levy in the lower one half of its life universe of <br /> metro conununities <br /> Goal:The City will maintain its operational costs in the lowest one half of its designated universe of <br /> comparable metro cities <br /> D. Development and redevelopment for economic and housing purposes can be very capital intensive and <br /> providing developer incentive funding from the general property tax dollar is probably not feasible. <br /> Goal* Development and redevelopment funding,if required and necessary,will be funded from non- <br /> general property tax dollars. <br /> E. The City is desiring to create future bonding capacity for community needs in the early part of the new century. <br /> Current debt management glans show strong pay down of debt over the next 4-5 years. <br /> Goal; only special assessment street improvement debt of approximately$2.8 will be incurred in 19999 <br /> Thus continuing the City's debt capacity is to be developed for future major community needs, <br />