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P.4/3 <br /> if t­m arc• -,Fj: t`r_ hLl'. L <br /> L <br /> municipalitim- and addinz the requiremem that IRS 501.0 status be <br /> maintalned, <br /> 2. On or before June 30, of any year NYIPS shall submit a written report to <br /> R <br /> H <br /> the City including <br /> 400 <br /> v A16 <br /> S •7 <br /> 7 7;, <br /> the proposed 0 budaet"h*dM for the subsequent 'v' ear; in addinon, <br /> P? <br /> 30 days from the end of each calendar quarter, NYFS shall submit a <br /> , rnurlic I iftal"41un..M hSUMIMI-AAlyrn in <br /> written report to the participaiIl na ipafity. ML%r%G&L-%9WVV,9JL XJJL <br /> anre L <br /> .. nAE^:jPh Calko - • <br /> 41P­wF&a4-%rrA 1W441WLK_aW1%r1K_ anch i nn LAW EAX: thm*=;P3 Puna a it <br /> kr VI&A A W 7 46'.'16 %JLLW T A161%0.3 <br /> 011 In 8* <br /> A A A %-J %YU144,1A P-L%J V L166%0 CLIFILERL PEXCAMM IL A <br /> F F 46P7 <br /> r 4LJ6M%W%uT7 .1L&~jk%&%&jLLXEi A%MrjF NF GL ILP <br /> ■ <br /> anel-&-ar-a—mm cpipciGp,4.91 <br /> film&IF r —,F seffiees <br /> A 1*3 Ism <br /> 2 W 46 F. Z%FLE71WXZLj <br /> Periodically advising the City of set-vices available through NYFS to the <br /> 4F <br /> City's residents-, <br /> 4. Establishing a sfidffig scale for Couwefing servlc�s to residents and <br /> periodically advising the City of such fees; <br /> 5- Providing other reasonable information requested by the City; <br /> 1 <br /> 6- Purchasing a policv of liability insurance in the amount of at least <br /> polio, <br /> S1,0W.000.00, namm- g the City as an additionall insured and providing a <br /> COPY of the insurance cenificate evidencing such policy to the City, <br /> annuatly; <br /> .Mr <br /> I Prkavide the City with a copy of its Articles of Incorporation Bylaws., <br /> I dw <br /> Amendments thereto, and the IRS tax exempt status letter; <br /> 8. YFS shall defend and indemnifv the City from any and all claftns or <br /> causes of actions brougbt against the CiEy for any matter arising out of <br /> this a&reenient or the sere provided pursuant to th' <br /> L1% is agreement; and,, <br /> 9- Without the written approvai of the City, NYFS will not enter into any <br /> agreement with any other city which differs from the terms and conditions <br /> of this agreement. <br /> G. Tenn. This agreement shall remain in fW1 force and effect for an indefinite term <br /> unless any party gives the other party at least 6 months wrimn notice of its intent <br /> to cariccl this agreement effective December '_3 1, of the year in which the notice <br /> is made. <br />