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L 4 <br /> ED. rd-'9 8,q P A E F.8113 <br /> the proposied Cm!it.v budgeted arnount. t'Or the subsequent year; in addition, <br /> 30 days from tht., end of each CadqLndar quaver, NYFS shall submit a <br /> written report to the paTlticlpatins! mu-nicipa!' <br /> M. .1 .!t V. <br /> 3. Periodically 4-ad-v-,i&ino,r the Cit-vr of sel-vices available throucrh NY FS to the <br /> GtY residents <br /> L -It <br /> 4. Establishing a slidinE scale for counseli servts acrd. <br /> %..a 'Z ner ' 'den a <br /> ices to resi <br /> periodicafly advising the City of such fees-, <br /> 5. Providing other reap onable information requested by the City, <br /> 6. Purchasing a policy of liability insurance in Vise amount of at least <br /> $17000.000,00. naming rhe Civ; as an additional insured and providing a <br /> g' <br /> copy of the insurance certificate ev-1dencing sueb policy to the City, <br /> armually; <br /> 7 Provide the City with a cony of its Ar6cles of T <br /> 'r A W Ancorporation, Bylaws, <br /> Amendments thereto, and the IRS tax exempt status letter; <br /> 8, NYFS shall defend and indemnify Mve Cit'y from. any and all claims or <br /> causes of actions brought against The City for any matter arising oui of <br /> this agreement or the services provided pursuant to this agreement; and, <br /> 9. Without Lhe written approval of the Ciny. NYFS will not enter into any <br /> w ' <br /> acy0 reernent with any oiher city which differs from the Eenns and conditions <br /> of this agreement. <br /> Term.. This a-cryeement shall remain in fult rorce and effect for an indefinite term <br /> unless anv party gives the other party at least 6 months written notice of irs "intent <br /> I %- <br /> to cancel this agreement iJfective Dec*emlner -'I, of the vear in which the notice <br /> is made. <br /> Distribution of Assets U-2on Dissolution, If NYFS ceases to operate or deviates <br /> from its stated mission (see 11. Recitals, A.), the City can ask for the Eloard to <br /> liquidate the assets and the NYFS Board of Directors will do one of the <br /> i <br /> following- <br /> L Give the assets to one or more non-profit agencies providing similar social <br /> services in. the northern suburbs of Ramsey Counry; or, <br /> 2. Form a new Foundation to fund appropriate social service programming <br /> in the northern suburbs of Ramsey County <br />