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WORD SESSION AGENDA ITEM NO. 4-C <br /> PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT <br /> E-rail-l3obl3iersche1d Roseville.RCMn t.q,[g. <br /> February 1 , 1998 <br /> To: Steve Sarkozy <br /> From: Bob Bierscheid � <br /> Fie: Roseville Skating Center <br /> During the discussion on the Skating Center at the upcoming Council Work <br /> Session on Tuesday, February 17, the staff believes that the following items <br /> should be considered in the discussion: <br /> 1. Public use of the facility <br /> o During the 1 997 winter season, the city provided these hours for <br /> recreational activity at the Skating Center: <br /> • Public Skating= 101 <br /> •• Hockey=1 6 'l <br /> •• Figure Skating=1719 <br /> • peedskating"M5 <br /> • Groups/Private F entai=581 <br /> • Bandy=1 9 <br /> Recreational lnline= ,160 <br /> 4 lnline Hockey 2,160 <br /> Aggressive Skate Park=325 <br /> Spectator Events-694 <br /> These hours represent over 200,000 person occurrences which is <br /> significantly higher than other programs or facilities within the City, <br /> The Skating Center Superintendent and Marketing/Programming <br /> Coordinator will be in attendance to clarify information or answer <br /> any questions about the service to the community. <br /> Summer season (see attached report) <br /> 2. Review of 5 Year Department Business Plan (see attached) <br /> 3R Financial Report(see attached memo from Ed Burrell) <br /> 4, operation budget for planned expansion apace <br /> Enclosed is a further breakdown of the information given the council <br /> during the request for planning authorization. This information is zero <br /> based budgeting in that we have not used percentage or square foot <br /> costs but have based the projections on our current experience at the <br /> Skating Center. <br /> 5, Need for planned expansion space <br /> The plans for the project are based on: <br /> Expressed needs of the community <br /> Feasibility report <br /> Private consultant conversations <br /> They all clearly indicate that the skating Center (Arena and OVAL) <br /> creeds upgrades to provide the desired space the public wants and to <br /> compete financially with surrounding facilities. We will illustrate further <br /> these conversations, <br />