<br />Regular meeting of the City Council Be- March S. 1993. 7:3o P.R.
<br />The City Council met on the above date-with the following ROLL CARL
<br />members present: Cushman, P. Johnson, and V. Johnson.
<br />Members absent: Maschka and Goedeke.
<br />A-1 Cushman moved , P . Johnson seconded,, that the r ";L notes MINUTES
<br />of the regular meeting of February 2 2 , 19 9 3 ap proved .
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Cushman, P. Johnson, and V. Johnson.
<br />Nays* None.
<br />Cushman moved, P. Johnson secotid_,�, that Items F -4 and
<br />F -7 he moved from Reports and Recommendations to the
<br />Consent Agenda. Roll Call, Ayes: Cushman, P. Johnson,
<br />and V. Johnson, Nays: None.
<br />Cushman moved, P. Johnson seconded , that the Consent CONSENT
<br />Agenda, Items B -1 through P -5 he approved. Roll Call, AGENDA
<br />Ayes: Cushman, P. Johnson, and V. Johnson. Nays:
<br />None.
<br />B -1 Cushman moved, P. Johnson seconded, that Resolution RESOLUTION
<br />8890, in appreciation to Marge Erwin upon her retire- 8890
<br />ment from the City of Roseville, he adopted* Roll
<br />Call, Ayes: Cushman, P. Johnson, and V. Johnson.
<br />lays : Hone.
<br />B -2 Cushman moved, P. Johnson seconded, that Resolution RESOLUTION
<br />8891, approving Lake Owasso Safe Boating Aeeociat.ion t s 88 91
<br />request for approval of water -ski course and water #ski
<br />jump on Lake Owasso for 1993, he adopted. Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: Cushman, P. Johnson, and V. Johnson. Nays:
<br />None.
<br />Cushman moved, P. Johnson seconded, that the following APPROVAL of
<br />checks and total amounts he approved: BILLS
<br />Check loos. 358 - 53 $3'81,092016
<br />565 583 89,796965
<br />584 - 601 195,535.50
<br />1102 - 1194 144m6781996
<br />$810,103.27
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Cushman, P. Johnson, and V. Johnson.
<br />Nays: None i
<br />(loved from F -4 to B-4)
<br />Bq-4 Cushman moved, P. Johnson seconded, that a resolution ST& ROSE of
<br />amending the assessment roll, Ste Rose of Lima appeal, LIRA
<br />for three City Pr.jects: P- 89 -16, P- 1 -03, and 1�
<br />-57, he continued to the 'regular City Council meeting
<br />of April 12, 1993.. boll Call, dyes: Cushman, P.
<br />Johnson, and V. Johnson. Nays: None.
<br />