<br />Regular meeting of the City Council - February 22, 1993. 7 :30 P*K
<br />The City Council met on the above date with the following ROLL CALL
<br />members present: Goedeke, Cushman, P. Johnson, Maschka, and
<br />V. Johnson. Members absent: None.
<br />A -1 Goedeke moved, P. Johnson seconded, that the minutes MINUTES
<br />of the regular meeting of February S, 1993 be
<br />approved. Roll Call, Ayes* Goedeke, P. aohnson, and
<br />Maschka. bays: None. Abstain: Cushman and V.
<br />Johnson .because they were not present at than meeting*
<br />Maschka moved, P. Johnson seconded, that the Consent CONSENT
<br />Agenda, Items B -1 through Biz, be approved. Roll AGENDA
<br />Call, 1, Ayes: Goedeke, Cushman, P, Johnson, Maschka,
<br />and V, Johnson. i� ays None.
<br />ne ■
<br />B -1 Maschka moved, P. Johnson seconded, that the Mayor and
<br />City Manager be authorized to sign an agreement with
<br />the City o f St. Pau 1 for the purpose of providing the
<br />City of Roseville with radio maintenance and repair on
<br />a► time and material basis. Roll Call, Ayese. Goedeke,
<br />Cushman, P. Johnson, Maschka, and V. Johnson, Nays,
<br />None.
<br />RADIO
<br />B -2 Maschka moved, P. Johnson seconded, that Stephen and STEPHEN AND
<br />Joan Lethartfs request for a 2 foot variance, in JOAN LETHART
<br />accordance with the City policy for driveway side
<br />yard setbacks, at 2946 Mildred Drive be approved.
<br />Roll Call, Ayes; Goedeke, Cushman, P. Johnson,
<br />Maschka, end V. Johnson. bays: None.
<br />B -3 Maschka moved, P. Johnson seconded, that the following DONATIONS
<br />donation to the City of Roseville be approved + To THE CITY
<br />Twelve Cans of Coffee
<br />Brooks Food Markets
<br />$50,00
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: Goedeke, Cushman, P. Johnson,
<br />Maschka, and V . , J ohnson . Nays: None.
<br />B -4 Maschka moved, Pb Johnson seconded, that the Lake
<br />Superior Steelhead Association request for a one Day
<br />Off Site Gambling Permit to conduct a raffle on
<br />February 27, 1993, at the Lido Restaurant, 2501
<br />Snelling Avenue N. in Roseville, be approved. Roll
<br />Call, Ayes: Goedeke, Cushman, P. Johnson, Maschka,
<br />and V. Johnson, Nays: None.
<br />1LIN
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