<br />Regular meeting of the,City Council � February 8, 1993,
<br />7 :30 P.Ks
<br />The City Council met on the above date with the following
<br />members present: Goedeke, P. Johnson, and Maschka. Members
<br />absent: Cushman and V. Johnson •
<br />A -1 P. Johnson moved, Goedeke seconded, that the minutes
<br />of the special meeting of January 9, 1993 be approved.
<br />Roll Call, Ayei: Goedeke, P. Johnson, and Maschka.
<br />Nays* None.
<br />A -2 P. Johnson roved, Goedeke seconded, that the minutes
<br />of the regular meeting of January 11, 1993 be
<br />approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Goedeke, P. Johnson, and
<br />Maschka. Mayse. None.
<br />A -3 Pi Johnson moved, Goedeke seconded, that the minutes
<br />of the special meeting of January 14, 1993 be
<br />approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Goedeke, Pa Johnson, and
<br />Maschka. Nays: None,
<br />A-4 P, Johnson moved, Goedeke seconded, that the minutes
<br />of the regular meeting of January 2, 1993 be
<br />approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Goedeke, P. Johnson, and
<br />Maschka, Nays: None.
<br />A -5 P. Johnson moved, Goedeke seconded, that the minutes
<br />of the special meeting of February 2, 1993 be
<br />approved. Roll Call, Ayes* Goedeke, P. Johnsen, and
<br />Maschka, Nays f None ■
<br />An Economic Development Association of Minnesota (EDAM) Award was presented.
<br />to the City of Roseville as "Developer of the Year" in the category of
<br />Business Retention on a Project Basis for the CBM project.
<br />An Award of Financial Reporting Achievement was presented to
<br />Nick Fns rude ,
<br />Assistant Finance Director.
<br />A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Deporting was
<br />presented to the City of Roseville.
<br />Pe Johnson moved, Goedeke seconded, that the Consent
<br />Agenda, Items B -1 through B -8, bd approved. Roll
<br />AGENDA
<br />Call, Ayes: Goedeke, P. Johnson, and Maschka. Nays:
<br />Done.
<br />B -1 P. Johnson moved, Goedeke seconded, that a proclama-
<br />tion proclaiming the week of February 14 - 20, 1993 as
<br />D. E * CiAs WEED
<br />Distributive Education Clubs of America (D.E.C.A.)
<br />creek in Roseville be adopted! Doll Call, Ayes.
<br />Goedeke, P, Johnson, and Maschka. Nayse. None.
<br />