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L:F 4 F- 45 k j9 ]If Ji <br />EASY TO USE! <br />For an ECONOMY FLUSH — SIMPLY <br />PUSH HANDLE DO WN! . <br />The Economy Flush, using about 1.5 gallons, is all <br />that's required for about SO% of all flushes. <br />For a FULL FLUSH — SIMPLY <br />LIFT HANDLE UP! <br />The Full Flush is required for heavy waste removal. <br />Full toilet tank water capacity will be used. <br />SIMPLE TO INSTALL <br />1. Replace existing handle and <br />lift arm with SAF Device. The <br />AF Device includes Handle, Lift Arm, <br />Valve and Adjustable Float. <br />2. replace existing flapper with SAF <br />Flapper and hose to SAF Device. <br />3. Adjust float up or down until the <br />minimum amount of water needed to <br />flush away tissue and provide a sanitary <br />rinse is released when using the economy <br />flush option. <br />A Reliable, NEW <br />Technology! <br />Here's Haw It Works... <br />Economy Flush Option: <br />* When handle is depressed, valve opens <br />and when water level drops below the <br />float, the air escapes from flapper, <br />which loses buoyancy, drops and ter- <br />minates the flush. <br />Full Flush Option <br />When handle is lifted, the valve is <br />closed and a full flush is provided. <br />Select- A- FIUShTM is simple, sanitary, <br />made of non - corrosive, gear- resistant <br />materials. No lime build -up, nothing to <br />rust. Contains only four moving parts. <br />Warranty is good for one full year. <br />Select -A -Flush TM the simple, inexpensive way to permanently TAME your water guzzling toilet without changes in <br />lifestyle. <br />Each year, each member of your household uses about 12,000 gallons of water to flush about 120 gallons of waste. <br />Your toilet was designed to use a certain amount of water to fully complete a heavy waste removal. <br />Select -A -Flush TM provides that full flush when you select it, and maximizes savings on the economy flush selection. With a 6 <br />gallon toilet you will save 4.5 gallons per economy flush. With 800/a economy flushes you will save 18 gallons every 5 flushes. <br />Changing your toilet to an ultra low flow (ULF) toilet will save about 75 % of the water and cost. ULF toilets use shout 1,5 <br />gallons/flush- but are expensive to buy (about $2004300). They generally rewire a costly, major installation project often re- <br />quiring changes in flooring and other decor. Select -A -Flush Tm is simple and inexpensive to "Install* <br />Water bags, brigs, dams, and single option flush reducers save much less water than elec #'A -Flush Tm + For each 5 flushes <br />you may think that you can save: Water Bags-10 gallons; 2 Bricks -2.5 gallons; Dams-10 gallons; single Option Flush <br />Reducer devices -12.5 gallons. Unfortunately, those savings are mostly a myth. As those who use other flush reducing devices <br />know, double- flushing for heavy waste removal is often rewired. Double flushing is not only unpleasant, but if it is rewired <br />only 0% of the tirnc it cancels most of the conservation achieved during all other flushes. Select -A -Flush TM eliminates the <br />problem of double flushing. <br />Many experience sewer drain plugging problems when less than the full flush is used for heavy waste removal. Select-A. <br />Rush rm eliminates this problem. <br />Select -A -Flush Tm is manufactured by SELE T -A -FLU H CORPORATION 0 Yakima, Washington a Fat. No. 4,945,580 <br />