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January 21, 1993 <br />LIr . Craig Waldron <br />Director Community Development <br />2660 Civic renter Drive <br />Roseville, Minn. 55113 <br />After reviewing and taking into consideration the action <br />talon by the Planning Commission, December 9p 1992, ad the G'ity <br />Council's work shop session, December 21, 1992, we have con - <br />cluded that the Parkridge Estates development will not be <br />approved at this time. It appears that both Council and Manning <br />Commission request more information on the proposed comprehensive <br />plan as it relates to our proposal. <br />In view* of tili s , we respectfully request that the deve 1 opnient <br />of the ?arkridge Estates be tabled until the findings and ' re c- <br />ommendat i ons can be incorporated in a new horsing element ofd the <br />comprehensive plan . ',,:e respectfully asji that you consider our <br />property along with - othe r properties that you feel might be appro- <br />piste to change to medium density residential. <br />'We are confident that upon your review of the findings and <br />facts, you will favorably consider our proposal. <br />It is our intent, as it was eleven years ago, to develop a <br />high quality town home project that will not only compliment but <br />will also be an asset to Rosevi' lle' s housing needs, <br />Respectfully <br />a-., ) li!i � <br />parkrid ge Development Corp. <br />Al Rehr, Partner <br />