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ii Secured small office and equipment storage roan, approximate) <br />300 square feet, for exclusive City use; and <br />(ui) Ongoing first priority use of the gymnasium and locker room <br />facilities after school hours, weekends and during summer, <br />B. The City's payment to the School District shall be due after the School <br />District has completed payments to its contractors for the construction <br />projects. The School District shall provide a statement to the City <br />certifying that it has completed its payments to the contractor and payment <br />shall be due within thirty (30) days following said statement. <br />2. Design of lm�rar Ment& At the time of the design of said gymnasium and locker <br />room facilities, the City will be consulted regarding such designs and, before said designs are <br />implemented, they . sh ll be submitted to the City for approval, which approval shall not be <br />unreasonably withheld. It is specifically contemplated that said designs shall provide for separate <br />entrances, with building and street signage, adjacent office space and storage fadilities to be used <br />exclusively by the City, as well as common parking areas available to the City. <br />Use of Gymnasium and maker loon„ Facilities, <br />A. The City shall be entitled to the exclusive use of the gymnasium and <br />locker room facilities at the Elementary Schools at the times set forth in <br />Paragraph B, below. <br />B. The City's exclusive use shall be: <br />(i) From 4:00 p.m. until midnight on days when school is in session; <br />provided, however, no earlier than 15 minutes following dismissal. <br />2 1),. <br />