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shall not involve fees other than nominal per group or per individual <br />charges. <br />7 QRtut1ne_Cosjs,_EMpnses <br />X, All utilities (heating, air conditioning, electricity, water), including <br />insurance, fire and extended coverage, security and routine maintenance <br />costs shall be assumed by the School District during the First ten years <br />beginning at the date the City first receives occupancy rights to the new <br />facility. <br />B. After the first ten years of this Agreement, the utility costs and expenses <br />(listed above) shall be shared by the School District and the City, on a Fro <br />rata basis, based upon the rights of use by the respective parties. In the <br />event that the parties are unable to reach agreement as to their respective <br />obligations under this paragraph, either party may submit the matter for <br />arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association <br />as hereinafter sot forth. <br />C. Ton- routine maintenance involving the gymnasium and locker room <br />facilities (e,g. vandalism ma e) not covered by insurance, shall be <br />borne by the parties on a 50l50 basis, unless the non - routine maintenance <br />is necessitated by an event caused by a party's use, in which event the <br />party responsible shall assume the full east of such non - routine <br />maintenance. <br />k <br />