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Pubfic Safety includes the costs associated with providing police and fire protection. Overall <br />operating costs are expected to remain unchanged. vacancies, employee turnover, and reduced <br />training have generated operational savings that will offset increasing wage, healthcare, and <br />inflationary costs. The Fire Department is proposing to add a full -time training officer that will <br />provide Departmental training for on -shift firefighters, and will also provide mandatory training <br />for Felice Officers and general City Staff. The additional personnel costs for the Training <br />Officer are offset by reduced firefighter pay that would otherwise be incurred if training could <br />not be performed on scheduled shifts ■ <br />Public Works includes engineering, street maintenance, street lighting, fleet maintenance, and <br />building maintenance functions. Although wage and healthcare costs are increasing, inflationary <br />effects for supplies and materials remain fairly flat. The increase is attributable to the additional <br />operating costs resulting from the expansion of City Hall and Public Works facilities,, <br />Parks and Recreation includes recreation administration and programs, leisure activities, and <br />the Slating Center operation. Consistent with other departments, wage, healthcare, and energy <br />costs have placed greater pressures on overall operating costs. These increasing costs will be <br />offset by a reduction in park improvements and equipment replacements. <br />Community Development includes planning and economic development, code enforcement, <br />and geographic information systems. A net decrease will result due to the completed transfer of <br />fire prevention costs to the Fire Department, and a change in personnel allocation related to <br />various � IRA duties. <br />Special Purpose functions include information technology, communications, license center, <br />lawful gambling enforcement, and parks maintenance. The increase is attributable to the mid- <br />year addition of an IT support position that was not reflected in the original 2003 budget (as <br />shown in the above table). The additional position is funded by new joint powers agreements <br />approved in early 2003. <br />Capital Outlay includes scheduled replacement purchases of vehicles and equipment (non - <br />operating budgets), as well as infrastructure improvements. A significant increase is expected <br />due to the planned renovation of City Hall in 2004. <br />Enterprise Operations includes water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, solid waste recycling, <br />and the municipal golf course. Added gage, healthcare and contractual services will place added <br />pressure on these operating budgets; This includes a projected. 5 -10% increase in costs related to <br />the purchase of bull water from the City of St. Paul, and a 5% increase in wastewater treatment <br />costs through the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Division. These <br />additional operating costs are offset by a reduction in Stormwater improvements and capital <br />replacement costs, <br />Debt Service includes the principal and interest paid on bonds used to finance infrastructre and <br />facility improvement projects. The increase in debt service casts will result due to the additional <br />debt payments related to the voter- approved facility bonds issued in 2003. <br />
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