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Pollution Control Agency's new voluntary Clean -Lip (VIC) contamination clean up <br />program -- in fact, helped to refine the investigation and review process. when significant <br />contamination was discovered on the north end of Arthur Street, Ryan and the City could <br />have done a minimal clean -tip and walked away. To Ryan's (and the pity's) credit, they <br />continued to look for better and more cost - effective methods of cleaning the soil and <br />redeveloping the site. A new type of Tax Increment District was created — a <br />contaminated soil sub- district that helped finance a portion of the clean up. Today the site <br />is clean, a siltation and pre - treatment pond catches pollutants before entering Langton <br />Labe, a new street has been built to serve existing and new businesses, and a walkable <br />pathway connect i o ii has been made to the new Langton Lake pathways. <br />2.4 However} with the renewed Twin Lakes Master Plan approved by Council in 2001, the <br />opportunity for a more nixed rise development became more evident. This mixed use <br />plan (office, housing} service retail) provides additional opportunities and interest by a <br />wide array of developers. It is the hope that the remaining 175 acres within Twin Lakes <br />Redevelopment Area will continue to redevelop in a market based manger more rapidly <br />with the partnership of many development companies that can bring their expertise for <br />each component of that mix. <br />3.0 SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVE UNCI L ACTIONS: <br />3.1 By resolution, authorize the conclusion of the first offer obligation under the <br />Development Agreemcnt by and between the City of Roseville and Ryan Twin Lakes <br />Limited Partnership for the Twin Lakes Development Subdistrict effective November 24, <br />2003.. - OR <br />3.2 Adopt the resolutioii. Then designate a master developer, a master developer with <br />specialty sub - developers; co- developers# or requesting master proposals, . O <br />3.3 Take no action (which allows the Designated Developer Language to remain until 2008). <br />Deport Prepared by: Dennis Welsch, Corn.Dev. Director (651- 490 - 2232) /Cathy Bennett (651-490-2241) <br />Attachment: Article VII Twin Lakes Development District, Subdistrict Map, Dry Resolution <br />Cc- Dent Carlson, Ryan Companies <br />WictariakCommDev1PIanning Files 3200 - 32493 232 -Txvin Lakes Renewe€iP Ian ; RCS+- P03223- RyanCompanies(I01303).doc <br />