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15. Non-Completion of Collection and Extension of Collection Hours <br />If Contractor determines that the collection of recyclables will not be <br />completed by 6:00 p.m. on the scheduled collection day, Contractor <br />shall notify the City recycling Coordinator by 4:00 p.m., and request <br />an extension of the collection hours. Contractor shall inform the City <br />of the areas not completed, the reason for non - completion, and the <br />expected time of completion. If the Recycling Coordinator cannot be <br />reached, the Contractor will request the first designated alternate the <br />City Manager. if the City Manager cannot be reached, the <br />Contractor shall contact the Public works Director. <br />16. Severe weather <br />Recycling collections may be postponed due to severe weather at the <br />sole discretion of the Contractor. .Severe Weather " shall include, <br />but shall not be limited to, those cases where the temperature at 6:00 <br />a.m. is —25 degrees F or colder. Upon postponement, collection will <br />be nude the following business day. The Contractor will be <br />responsible for notifying the residents by radio or television <br />announcements. The City will be responsible for notifying the <br />residents by municipal cable TV. All three means of communication <br />will be used for each severe weather postponement of recycling <br />collection. <br />H olfda rs <br />Holidays means any of the following: New Year's Day, Memorial <br />Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and <br />Chri strn as Day. when the scheduled collection day falls on a <br />holiday, collection in that day's zone _,and subsequent days' zones <br />will be collected one day later, with Friday being collected on <br />Saturday. The Contractor shall assist the City in publicizing the <br />yearly calendar including alternate collection days, <br />18. Weighing of Loads & Reporting Requirements <br />Contractor will keep accurate records consisting of an approved <br />weight slip with the date, time, collection route, driver's <br />identification, vehicle number, tare weight, gross weight, net weight, <br />and number of recycling stops for each loaded. vehicle. Collection <br />vehicles will be weighted empty before collection to obtain a tare <br />weight and weighed after completion of a route or at the end of the <br />14 <br />