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19 W111 8 1 <br />DATE: 9/29/03 <br />ITEM o.* vJIL 13. <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda wont <br />Reports/Recommendations <br />Item Description. Awarding Bids for Arona Pond Improvement Project; Phase I <br />Background: Arena Pond is a wetland located north of Counter Road C and east of Snelling Avenue. Prior to <br />development, Arona Pond was a land locked basin. For years the nonrial water level (NWL) of the pond was <br />governed primarily by its infiltration qualities. As the surrounding area developed, the basin served as a storm <br />water- basin. It serves a 112 acre subwatershed. An outlet was installed around 1 979. This enabled the basin to <br />pass runoff from extreme rainfall events, although the NWL continued to be governed by infiltration. over the <br />last decade, the NWL of the pond has risen; and the area of open grater- has steadily increased. It appears that the <br />basin has been sealed and is no longer infiltrating as it once did. The resulting decrease of flood storage and lack <br />of an effective outlet for the pond has led to the flooding of the parking lot and garages of the apartments northeast <br />of the basin. In the City? s 2003 Comprehensive Stormwater Management plan, this subwatershed was identified <br />as being a "problem area.} <br />Since Arona Pond is located southeast of the Applewood Paint development, it was determined that this <br />improvement should be undertaken at the same time as. the redevelopment of this site. This would enable the City <br />to improve the capacity of the pond addressing the needs for the new development as well. Approvals for this <br />project were included as part of the approval of the Applewood Point PUD. The Arona Pond. Improvement <br />Project will increase the pond capacity, through the installation of a lift station, restoration of infiltration <br />component of the basin, and expanding the size of the pond. The aesthetics of this basin will also be unproved <br />through the removal of the ring of dead trees inside the shoreline of the pond. This project consists of two parts. <br />The first phase is the excavation of the existing pond and installation of new outlet pipes. The second phase will <br />be the construction of the lift station. Phase II bids will be opened at the end of October. Bids were solicited for <br />Phase I during the month of September, with a bid opening on Wednesday, September 24, 2003, <br />Policy Implications: Based on past practice, the City Council has awarded the contract to the lowest <br />responsible bidder. In the case of Arona Pond Improvement Project, the apparent low bidder is Don Zappa <br />and Son Excavating, Inc. of Blaine, Minnesota. <br />Financial implications: The total proposed project cost for this improvement was estimated at $700,000. <br />This includes both Phase I and Phase II, As described in the Applewood Point Development Contract, the <br />total cost of the project would be split according to the contributing runoff volume. The contributing volume <br />is split 13% DEVELOPER/ 7% CITY. Revised estimates place the total project cost closer to S600,000; <br />$78,000 Developer cost/ $522,000 City storm water utility funds. The storrnwater utility fund, will be <br />reimbursed for this project through future development contributions within this watershed and future <br />captured tai, increment funds. Once Phase II bids have been opened we will be able to provide a final cost <br />participation summary. <br />