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ARTICLE M1. TERNUNA.' ION <br />Each Member or Paying Affiliate shall have the right to terminate its membership and participation in the Users <br />Group with or without cause by formal resolution of the Member's or Paying Affiliate }s organization and <br />communicated to the Board in writing. However, the Member or Paying Affiliate is still obligated to its financial <br />conunitrnents for the year during which termination of membership occurs. These corn nitments include: <br />(i) any balance of the Data Access/Physical Features Maintenance Fee. This commitment applies to all <br />Members and Paying Affiliates. <br />(ii) any balance owing on Special Projects Assessments. This commitment applies to Members and Paying <br />Affiliates which have entered into any special project agreements). <br />Termination of membership prior to expiration of the Agreement shall make a local unit of government ineligible to <br />re join as a Member or Paging Affiliate under the current Agreement, <br />ARTICLE III. DISSOLUTION: <br />Section 1. The Users Group may be dissolved by a two - thirds vote of its Members in good standing. <br />Dissolution is mandatory when the Secretary has received certified copies of resolutions adopted by the governing <br />bodies of the required Members requesting dissolution of the Users Group. <br />Section 2. In the event of a dissolution, the Board must determine the measures necessary to effect the <br />dissolution and must provide for the taking of such measures as promptly as circumstances permit, subject to the <br />provisions of this agreement and law. <br />Section 3. In the event of dissolution, following the payment of all outstanding obligations, assets of the <br />Users Group will be distributed arnong the then existing Members and Paging Affiliates in direct proportion to their <br />cumulative annual contributions. If those obligations exceed the assets of the Users Group, the net deficit of the <br />Users Group will be charged to and paid by the then existing Members and Paying Affiliates in direct proportion to <br />their cumulative annual contributions. <br />AR'T'ICLE XIV. ACCESS To IIO UMIENT : <br />Until the expiration of three years after this Agreement terminates, the Users Group shall male available to the <br />Member organizations and to the State Auditor, a copy of this Agreement and books, documents, accounting <br />procedures and practices of the Users Group relating to this Agreement. <br />ARTICLE XV. HOLD HARMILES& <br />Section 1. Each Member or Paying Affiliate agrees to defend, indbrnnify and hold the other Members or <br />f. <br />Paging Affiliates harmless from any claims, demands, actions or causes of action, including reasonable attorneys <br />fees, against or incurred by such other Members or Paying Affiliates, arising out of any act or onrissi on on the part of <br />the indemnifying Member or Paging Affiliate ate or any of its agents, servants or employees in the performance of or <br />with relation to any of the work or services provided by Members or Paying Affiliates under- the terms of this <br />Agreement. <br />Section 2. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver by either Members or Paying Affiliates or the <br />Users Group of any limitation of liability under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466. <br />Page Five <br />