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Community Need/ Support <br />Roseville is a first ring suburb , a mature community where <br />- � t tree-lined streets lead to established <br />neighborhoods soled co .ercial development se ill ` <br />Roseville is a coramurntY concerned with its <br />ernvn-onment — providing ample open space) p1eservm its wooded - - <br />g areas and protecting r Shorelines. <br />o sevi ll e is a coin that equgly embraces the, axis and <br />athletics — allowing oplrtunities to support <br />and participate in a wide range of leisure endeavors for residents p <br />eats and guests of all ages. The best <br />demotion of Roseville involves the people • it is a city where - <br />the needs and concerns �#` bow residents <br />and the business con 'unity matter. Roseville is a city wherepeople make the difference, <br />Residents of Roseville have long enjoyed the Stability, divers' <br />• �ty, and friendl�nesa of stren, safe <br />neighborhoods. These neighborhoods fester strop community . g sp t and volunteerism In Roseville. <br />Roseville population is older than most suburbs. Forty percent <br />of all hones have a household head over <br />the age of 55. As housing becomes available, mid- career, two inc <br />. � income families with grade school and <br />middle school children move into Roseville. eville. And the are staying, <br />. , �' g, creating a stable cornmt�y. <br />The 000 census shows that the minority population in Roseville has <br />grown from 5% In 1990 to 10.5%. <br />The pity of cseville offers its residents a pride aria of services. sevxlle tries to go beyond merely <br />delivering services, It strives to educate, inform and involve residents in the operations of and the <br />opportunities within the City, The City" s efforts in this area have lace <br />p d it among an elite group when it <br />ernes to national recognition for its departments and services. Roseville p <br />• - mks and Recreation �s one <br />such nationally recognized organization. Roseville was recognized in 1 <br />9 with the onmr fission for <br />Accreditation of park and recreation Agencies re- accreditation award. Roseville met 150 of 152 <br />standards, the highest in the nation. In 2000, Roseville was awarded the ' <br />atonal fold Medal Award, one <br />of the most prestigious and coveted national awards for recognition of e ' <br />' excellence in parrs and recreation <br />adnurnstration. In the past eleven years Roseville has been acknowledged with ith nine Minnesota <br />Recreation and parks Association Awards of Excellence. The MRPA Award of Excellence recogmi zes <br />high standards and success in the development and management ement of programs . , a <br />. g p grams and fac�lrtles, unnovative use <br />of technology and creative promotions and. Inarketin techniques. <br />Roseville, where people make the difference, people. That's what cities ' ' <br />are a.11 about families } CO comznu�ut�es and neighborhoods <br />s living together, employees working together, children playing t <br />g � p ymg ogether} a con�rnuruty <br />experiencing the arts together. The arty of Roseville has always offered a comfortable enjoyable, and <br />convent lifestyle for people who lure, work and create. Strop neighborhoods <br />. g y hoods with abur�daot p arks, <br />nationally recognized City services, growmg economic base, low taxes, • <br />. s, and a convenient location <br />combine to make Roseville a great place to raise a family, start a business, ,and enjoy the arts. <br />Roseville residents and guests to our community are proud to share their ' opportunities P , i..' expertise, have cone to expect <br />a variety of and are comfortable openly critiqued activities. <br />. The Rose ofMany Colors J1 <br />num grants orgamzmg team will be selected from coznrnunity members who have showed - <br />a passion for <br />the arts and a commitment to then' comxn ty. when lain implementing- ' <br />p g� p �xturg and evaluating the grants <br />program team members will consider these qualities. <br />1. Requests for proposals will be solicited through direct mailings, in our <br />g a seasonal pro grarri brochures <br />which is mailed directly to over 20,000 area households and by announcements in <br />local news rnedias. <br />2. past experiences and community resources will be used to successfully 1 a <br />. I y �plement the .Rose afMany <br />Colons H program. Past num grant participants will be asked for feedback on the strengths and <br />weaknesses of the initial program. These comments and suggestions gg w' program <br />be evaluated by progra <br />organizers and implemented where deemed necessary. <br />3. Evaluation is essential to ail ro ' <br />p g. The mini grants program will be independently evaluated lead <br />assts} program participants and the organi in team. Evaluations �' � <br />g will be used to provide the lead artist with <br />fecdback and to assist in future progr g strategies. <br />