Laserfiche WebLink
e) Lessee will fence off or otherwise have a physical barrier, meeting Owner's approval, <br />separating its ground space from the owner's ground space. <br />8. Property Access. <br />a) Lessee, at all times during this Lease, shall have vehicle ingress and egress over the <br />Property by means of the existing access, subject to notice requirements to Owner as set <br />forth in Section b) below. <br />b) Lessee, at all titres during this Lease, shall have access to the Property in order to install, <br />operate, and maintain its Antenna Facilities. Lessee or its employees, agents, or <br />subcontractors will be required to sign -in before entering onto the property, Owner will be <br />responsible for determining the sign -in location. <br />c) Lessee is also granted the right, at its sole cost and expense, to enter upon the Owner's <br />property to determine the properties suitability for any intended use of Lessee, which <br />studies may include surveys, environmental evaluations, radio wave propagation <br />measurements,, field strength tests and such other studies as Lessee deems necessary or <br />desirable. <br />9. Utilities. Owner represents to the best of its knowledge, that utilities adequate for <br />Lessee's use of the Property are available. Lessee will pay for all utilities used by it at the <br />Property. Owner will cooperate with Lessee in Lessee's efforts to obtain utilities from any <br />location provided by Owner or the servicing utility. <br />10. Personal Propei1y. and Deal Estate Taxes. SSLP will be responsible for payment of all <br />personal property taxes assessed directly upon and arising solely from its use of the <br />communications facility on the Site. SSLP will pay to Owner any increase in real property taxes <br />attributable solely to any improvements to the Site made by SSLP within 60 days after receipt of <br />satisfactory documentation indicating calculation of LP's share of such real estate taxes and <br />payment of the real estate taxes by Owner. owner will pay when due all other real estate taxes <br />and assessments attributable to the property of Owner of which the Site is a part. <br />11. Compliance with Statutes, regulations, and Apnrovals. Lessee's use of the Property <br />herein is contingent upon its obtaining all certificates, permits, zoning, and other approvals that <br />may be required by any federal, state or local authority (Engineering study, radio frequency <br />interference study, etc.). Lessee's Antenna Facilities and any other facilities shall be erected, <br />maintained and operated in accordance with site standards, state statutes, rules and regulations <br />now in effect or that thereafter may be issued by the FCC and related governing bodies. <br />12. Interference, <br />a) Lessee's installation, operation} and maintenance of its transmission facilities shall not <br />interfere in any way with Owner's Tower operations or other City operations. <br />