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Dealing 7 Wastli <br />Rosevffle True Cost Analysis of <br />Waste Charges With Current Recvdine and with Proposed Increase <br />Under the Solid <br />Under the County <br />Smaller Garbage <br />Waste Fee (old) <br />Envirorumental <br />Cart under CEC <br />two- stream <br />Charge (new) <br />(new) <br />Monthly Garbage hill <br />$16.78 <br />$16.78 <br />$12.64 <br />TOTS <br />(90 gallon cart <br />gallon carts <br />0 gallon cart <br />Monthly Solid waste <br />$1.64 <br />$1.64 <br />$1.23 <br />Management Tax <br />9.75% <br />County Environmental <br />$0.00 <br />$5.20 <br />$3.92 <br />Charge <br />Solid waste Fee (was <br />$4.28 per month <br />$0.00 <br />$0.00 <br />on Rruperty tax <br />fee <br />$2.05 <br />$2.05 <br />$2.05 <br />_Recyqjfigg <br />-Subtotal <br />$24,75 <br />$25,67 <br />19.84 <br />Waste Charges With Current Recvdine and with Proposed Increase <br />\ \C\ Communications \TimP\RecycIing\Pilot Progam\Cost Analysis.dnc <br />.90 gallon charges <br />30 gallon charges <br />30 gallon charges <br />with CEC and <br />with CEC and two- <br />with CEC and <br />two- stream <br />stream <br />Single-stream <br />$2.36 <br />TOTS <br />* ' <br />$19.84 <br />$20.15 <br />\ \C\ Communications \TimP\RecycIing\Pilot Progam\Cost Analysis.dnc <br />