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$10 million annual levy for Families in Education initiative through City for readiness and <br />academic achievement <br />Alliance for Education is very powerful source of funding for public schools and is affiliate <br />of Chamber <br />Alliance mission is re- inventing K- Ieadmhip programs for principals, mentorship <br />programs, generating grassroots support for transformation, building permanent funding <br />sources <br />Possible speaker is Joseph 01chefsky, superi ntendent and Robin Pasquerel la, president of <br />Alliance for Education{ BobWatt, Boeing Exec. <br />6. Downtown Revitallmz2bon <br />• East 10 years have seen total transformation <br />• Nordstrom built new flagship; Nike Town, other major national retailers fighting to get in <br />Currently enjoys 3.5 retail vacancy and 15% office vacancy <br />0-60 of retail spending is from visitors <br />doubled the amount of housing downtown since 1990; added 25,000 units in last two gears <br />Business Improvement District of 225 blocks focused on renewal; Funded by 900 property <br />owners; BILE does trash, safety, research, marketing <br />Possible speakers include Nordstroms, Kate J oncas (head of downto n ,org. ) <br />7, Arts & Culture as Economic Development Strategy <br />• New opera house, library and museum funded with 113 public, 1/3 private, 113 nonprofit <br />• Model Cultural Tourism program designed to put derriers in chairs and heads in beds <br />• Seattle Public Library and Foundation among top in US; currently raising 70 million for <br />library <br />8. Worktome <br />Seattle Jobs Initiative is national model; focused on industry sector skill training; funding <br />from public and Annie E. Casey Fdto. <br />Chamber affiliate, Urban Institute, focused on community development and jobs; estimate <br />saved tax pagers $65 million each year because people aren't on public assistance <br />In addition to these agenda items, the ICLV is a tremendous opportunity for Twin Cities leaden to <br />spend tirne together building relationships, visioning for the future, and sharing ideas and perspectives. <br />While the visit is highly structured, there will be time in the evening for informal conversations. <br />