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MEMORANDUM <br />July 29, 203 <br />Page 2 <br />recommended language prior to the finalizing of a contract addendum with Waste Management, <br />Inc. Other issues of concern include ensuring that the implementation date of the program is <br />coordinated with the quarterly billing of residents. <br />Eli � ►'J <br />As apparent from the information provided above, single stream recycling is a relatively "new" <br />approach to municipal recycling programs and, to date, limited independent analysis of this <br />approach has been conducted.. With some additional opportunity to complete our evaluation, the <br />Project Team can provide more detailed information and analysis if requested. <br />Thank you for the opportunity to provide these services. <br />1380 Corporate Center Curvc, Suite 305, St. Paul, MN 55121, Phone (651) 994 -8415, Fax (65 Z) 994 -8396 <br />