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're <br />DATE. 08/04103 <br />1.1 Joan Ahrens (Target) and Steve Wellington (Wellington Management) will present a <br />discussion of the future needs for the Target site and the Department of Education sites in <br />the southwest quadrant of Highway 36 and Snelling Avenue. They are seeking city <br />inputJdirection on what could be dons to improve, replace, or redevelop their retail and <br />office quadrant. What role should (or can) the City play beyond the typical PUD process ? <br />1.2 For a large format retail store, the Roseville Target building is old -- over 40 years. In fact, <br />it is "T-1" the first Target in the Target system. While the location is still a very valuable <br />site for Target, the building itself is in need of a major renewal or replacement. Target has <br />bought extra land from the State Fanrn directly east of the Target store. If Target chooses <br />to replace the existing store, a new store is likely to be no more than 10% to 15% larger <br />than the a isting store. The Target site could also add more new freestanding store sites. <br />1.3 The Wellington property has many under used areas which could be developed into retail <br />or other uses. In addition, the Wellington site has parking design challenges that could be <br />alleviated by coordinated redevelopment with Target. <br />1.4 The City, too, has older or underursed systems. Staff (along with the County and MnDOT <br />have been studying the traffic management issues at Counter Road B and Snelling, as well <br />as ghat to do with lour use roads such as Commerce Street, State Farm Road, and the <br />Fast Snelling Frontage Road. Surface grater management has been improved through the <br />reconstruction of the storm drainage and piping system that ruins north -south through the <br />Wellington site. <br />1.5 This is a community redevelopment opportunity. What are the public policy issues in this <br />area? Should the City tale advantage of the timing and improve the infrastructure, vacate <br />unneeded rights-of-way returning thern to the private sector use, and remove or relocate <br />other older buildings, with goals to create more .jobs, expand the tax base, and improve <br />the quality of the environment? <br />2.0 SUGGESTED COUNCIL ACTIONS: <br />Provide direction to property owners and staff. <br />Report Prepared by; Dennis Welsch, Corm Development Director (651490-2232) <br />1lvictcrialCommDev\P1anning File-sX50035491350�_Targ�t- Welling �Targct Wellingron.doc <br />1 <br />