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Some Questions You May Have about Our Budget <br />Situation, and Answers <br />1. `Why can -t we just use roscmes to makeup or any budget de cit P" <br />We can. The Council would have to authorize that. I recommend <br />we use a significant amount of reserves this year to help us with <br />our budget problem this year. And if this were a one or two year <br />problem, reserves might be the major answer. But, I don't thinly <br />this is a one or two year situation, and reserves are not a long-tern <br />solution. <br />cation . You can only spend your savings so long. <br />2. " ;Cary we raise local taxes?" <br />Probably not. It loops like the Legislature will be adopting some <br />lays that prevent cities from raising their taxes to mare up for the <br />loss of state aid. <br />3. "What-is going to happen to the building project?" <br />Again, the City Council will make the final decision. I continue to <br />support that project because police and public works are essential <br />city services. That project will help improve those core city services <br />for decades to come. Despite the states budget difficulties, which <br />have in part now become our budget difficulties, I thinly it makes <br />sense for us to continue to plan and build for the future. <br />4. " t does it make sense to construct a new building when we are <br />looking at the likelihood off' reducing programs and stafp. <br />We could wait, but the price of that construction will only u <br />yg p <br />over time. With the economy struggling like it is a it is actuall y a <br />good time to be out bidding for construction work} In addition <br />and this is a point that is not arrays clear to eo le different city <br />p p <br />projects and programs are paid out of different pots of money. Our <br />project to build a new police department and to renovate the public <br />works maintenance facility is being paid for with voter-approved <br />bonds. That money can't be used for anythin g else. We can't use <br />that money to pay for city programs or for city employee wages; it <br />can only be used to construct this project. <br />