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10 . 'What of lots of city employees, perhaps too many, were to come <br />forward and wanted to take advantage of the incentive packages?" fe <br />I any recommending to the city council that I have the au tho ri to <br />I. <br />reject an application for an incentive package if �f too man <br />employees in one work area were to apply for an incentive package, <br />or for any other reason relating to our ability to continue to p rovide <br />city services. Plainly, a only want to reduce our budget b the <br />, y <br />amount of state funding we are losing. No more; no less. <br />11. "What is the timetable for making city budget changes R" <br />That is up to the City council' This corning Monday, I am <br />recommending that the council authorize city staff to work out by <br />Monday, April 14 the final details of the voluntary incentive <br />programs described in my message and above. If the council <br />approves, we would offer the incentive packages to you from April <br />15 through May 15. After May 15, we would know hoer man y city <br />employees night be participating in these voluntary programs and <br />then we could start evaluating what other cuts g <br />e might have to <br />make,., With the cooperation of your department managers, we <br />have already started to cutback on a variety of city programs and <br />expenditures, pending council review and approval of an overall <br />budget reduction plan. I hope that by dune I this year we can <br />move forward under our revised budget. <br />Please, if you have other questions, don't hesitate to talk to me, your <br />department head, your supervisor, or the city council. 'Thank y ou. <br />Respectfully, <br />Kcal Beets <br />G! <br />