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r <br />........... <br />September 25, 2002 <br />Mr. Seth Eggessa <br />1992 Cleveland Ave. <br />Roseville, MN 1 13) <br />RE: 1992 Cleveland Drainage <br />Dear Mr. Eggessa, <br />In order to avoid any misunderstandings regarding your work to construct a drainage s wal e on the <br />north side of your property I Irish to clarify an issue. My July ?9th, 2002 correspondence to voit,t, <br />stated that unless the drainage violation (re-directing storm drainage onto the adjoining property to <br />the north) was corrected by August 9 "', 2002 the City was prepared to issue a Ramsey COLInty <br />court citation. An inspection of the site on September 3rd identified that no corrections had begun. <br />Before the actual writing of the citation occurred, you did begin modifications to the site with the <br />beginnings of a drainage swale. On September 16'h the two of us net and discussed further work <br />necessary to complete the drainage Swale (storm water was still being directed onto the adjacent <br />property) . At this time you indicated your willingness to complete the project and I stated Z would <br />return in one week to review progress. On September 23 d I again inspected the site. No additional <br />work had occurred. <br />Mr. Egessa, I wish to impress upon you that although we have delayed issuing a court citation in the <br />lope you would voluntarily complete the work yet this season, the City is fully prepared to refer <br />this issue to the Rainsey County court system should completion not occur. <br />Winter is closing in and the ground will soon he frozen. If agreed to corrections are not completed <br />by November I" the City will not allow the option of delaying further construction until next year. - <br />and, a Ramsey County court citation will he issued (at that time). <br />Ir. Egessa, feel free to contact me at any time to meet with you on -site and discuss the cor ipletion <br />of the drainage swal e. I dope we can resolve this issue soon. <br />Sincerely, <br />,Don Munson, Codes Coordinator <br />ce . Dennis Welsch, Com. D ev. Director <br />Joel Jammnik ity Attorney <br />Fite <br />