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Mr. Eggessa} I have discussed this situation with Mr. Dennis Welsch, Community Development <br />Director} and Mr. Joel Janmik} City Attomey. we have no choice but to pursue this matter thru <br />legal means if it is not resolved voluntarily. Therefore, unless all increased drainage to the north is <br />redirected elsewhere within 30 days of the date of this letter (and by a method preap roved by city <br />std the city intends to issue a mosey County Court Citation. In court, both the city and you will <br />have the opportunity to present our respective viewpoints to a Ramsey County Judge who would <br />then render a final opinion. <br />I do believe this can be resolved without the necessity of involving the Ramsey County Court <br />system. Again I request that you comply with the original conditions of approval. Either myself or <br />another staff member would be happy to meet you on site to discuss options. However, I must <br />emphasize that corrections be completed within 30 days or the afore mentioned court citation will <br />be issued. Please contact me at 651-415-2 1 2 o to discuss this matter further, or, for any questions <br />you may have. <br />Sincerely., <br />Ikon Munson, Codes Coordinator <br />cc: Dennis Welsch, Com. Dev. Director <br />Joel Jamnik, City Attorney <br />File <br />Q- Termib\CornpIaInL %V x Herd 1992cIcvcIand 072902.1Lr <br />