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3.0 SUGGESTED CoUNCEL ACTIONS: <br />Hold the first reading, accept comment and provide direction. <br />By motion, approve the first reading of the City Code amendment creating new <br />S ection 1018 (Parking) which would compile City of Rosevitle p arking regulations <br />into one Section of the City Code and set August 4 "s as the second reading date. <br />By motion, amend existing Section 407.02M3 and proposed Section 1018.13 D (Parking <br />Nuisances) to establish a 14 day maximum period for outdoor storage of vehicles, rather <br />than the current 30 day maximum. The Section would read: <br />"o person shall cause, undertake, permit or allow the outside parking and storage <br />of vehicles in residentially -zoned property for more than thiffE� fourteen <br />(14) dM unless it complies with the following requirement... . <br />in addition, set August 4th as the second reading Hate. <br />Report Prepared by: Dennis Welsch, Community Development Director (490-2232) <br />Attachment. proposed parking Ordinance <br />\\victoria\ omniDev \Planning Files\3450- 34M3475_City of Roseville Parking OrMCA- H3475Parking <br />Ord(072 103 ).doc <br />0) <br />